What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Just arrived ND5 XS2 streamer. Will leave a few hours to retun to room temp before powering up and inserting in to the system.


Congrats :+1:
You’re in for a treat. It’s a cracker

Happy listening


Thanks. Currently enjoying a Lumin D2, but thought I’d try the Naim and see which I prefer. It was a good deal so I thought nothing to lose.

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Not heard of that before but looking at google it does indeed look like a processor that sits between your sources and a pre amp? The amethyst is a dedicated pre amp but uses the same room correction software

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Interesting - about the same size as the Avaa. Does it work well for you?

Looks very stylish :+1: the Linn looks fantastic doesn’t it! The mirror finish with the track readout works so well.

Olive Supercap plugged in and playing. Sounds promising so far.


For those who may be curious - the framed picture on the wall is a photograph of Ottorino Respighi given by his widow, with a dedication, to my maternal grandfather, who was a pupil of his for a few years.
I also have his metronome and an oblong box containing his conducting batons - my granddad’s, not Respighi’s… :slight_smile:


What are your speakers on @frenchrooster? Looks like MDF sheets (glued together?) on top of a concrete slab? Could veneer them to match your speakers :slightly_smiling_face:

It cancelled the bass boom. So for me it worked.

I am too lazy, unfortunately, to veneer these stands. But yes, it would look nicer.
My speakers are Apertura Altra .

When we will move from that apartment, I will buy Townsend podium. Maybe you could see that, these podiums remove also bass boom, give tighter and cleaner bass, and more easy flowing sound.

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First impressions on differences? :blush:

I just added an Sbooster to my lindemann bridge II. Power supplies never stop to surprise me. Wow really like what this bridge and Sbooster have done to the sound quality on my NDS :+1: Superior to the built in streamer in NDS.


They don’t bother my sensibilities one bit as I don’t really care that much how things look as much as I care how things sound but (if you were bothered) a fill/sand and paint would work just as well as a veneer and would be a lot easier and cheaper.

I actually like the utilitarian look of them as they are now.

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Hi, thanks, wasn’t criticising the look, apologies if it came across that way. I’m always interested seeing people experiment, and especially making things for themselves as you learn a lot by doing that … I know I have with all mine which you’ve probably seen across this forum :slightly_smiling_face:. The veneer suggestion was really just a simple way to polish your design, why spend all that cash on podiums when the solution you have already works?! Edit, and @Yorkshireman’s suggestion is even more simple!

When I saw your photo it made me wonder about other materials that could be used, bamboo springs to mind as that seems to work best when coupled to the the thing you want to isolate, the spikes in the case of speakers would do that very well … just got me thinking really :slightly_smiling_face:

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Right now, and it’s only been plugged in a few hours, bigger, bolder, wider, deeper. More in control. More of the good stuff. More realistic sounds of instrument. Very nice indeed. Even more of the naimness heard with the hicap. However this cap hasn’t been recapped for some time and my hicap has. So I think it can become even better. It might sound a bit fat in the midrange so far. We’ll see how it develops.

I’d say it’s very willing to attack. Music feel faster and it sure can keep the rhythm.

Oh and quite a bit more details coming through also.

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No worries, I didn’t took it badly. When I put them several years ago it made a huge difference in sound, as my floor is floating wood and the apartment is very old ( 1790 , something like that). All was resonating.

I bought also Finite Elemente Cerabases, which replaced the spikes ( one under the speaker and two on the sides, which carry the weight/ the two other spikes are just for stabilisation).
It made another huge difference.


Do they also bring the tweeters up to ear height?

I think, I am tall and listen only in a sit down position.

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Thanks - I like simple systems these days, so two boxes (possibly three later) works well for me. Helps keep the mains setup simple and allows plenty of space between the boxes too.

@Mark63 Thankyou. I must admit I wasn’t sure about the Linn when it first came out compared to the previous slimline cases, but seeing one in the flesh changed that. The mirrored front panel is a nice touch although a PITA to photograph. Especially with an inquisitive dog helping…


I would guess that’s responsible for the biggest part of the improvement. When getting other bases, like you mentioned, I would make sure the height is similar before buying.

Or ideally just measure tweeter and ear height so you can adjust your current bases (relatively cheap) and see if that brings further improvement first.

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