What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

I got myself a second hand Chord Sarum T DIN to replace the stock lavender. I will be honest, on the second song I started sobbing. The emotions were too much. Never before I felt music on my system like this.


Full throttle :smiley: That’s a huge jump and you realise just how much information is lost with the standard cables.

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That’s nice to hear. I think Sarum T is the ‘sweet spot’ in the Chord range.


I couldn’t resist… Chrome bumper NAT 02

Just warming it through, it needs a clean and a peek inside although I suspect it’s never been serviced.
Working fine though, hasn’t drifted off tune!


Very nice :sunglasses:

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Taking advantage of Linn’s summer promotion and Cymbiosis’ expertise, a Kendo and Klimax Radikal 2. Awesome!


Looks nice. What do you think of your new Neat compared to the Ovator?

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I’m starting to believe that cables are just as important as black boxes. Crazy


Wow - this one must be hard to get!

The CB generation, for me the prettiest of them all.

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Linear power supply from PD Creative in Poland for my Lumin D2

Replace this

With this. Proper regulation and voltage feedback with Mumdorf caps and layers of filtering


Always good with a better power supply :+1: Will compare this one to this one, see below, this weekend :innocent:


Just swapped my Nova and PMC 25.21s for a 222/250 and a pair of Proac D2Rs. Pics on System Pics thread


I really do like these. Neat’s are a lot smaller than S400 but the sound is big. I would say that these are a little warmer than Ovator’s and for my room these are more balanced with better bass. Maybe I just prefer more this kind of sound characteristics.

I still need to put Gaia-feets to these and hear which direction that takes the sound.


Just powered it up… oh my Christ! It’s stupidly good and only £283 from Poland.
The D2 has oodles of deep bass and much more refined and spacious sound. I’d read reports that people using the Sbooster made it sound more forward but this supply is on another level.
Really chuffed for 2 hrs work including strip down and redressing everything.

Edit- fedex just emailed me with request for duty of £68 before they release my package… even though delivered 2days ago…


Managed to acquire an ex-demo Supercap DR to replace the Supercap 2 I bought to get up and running with the 252 (see August 6th). No photo 'cos they look exactly the same.


Morning CliffH how are you finding the sound of the new supercap compared to your older version curious as to the benefits of the dr unit, cheers.

Good question. How does the (as far as I know, unserviced) 2011 Supercap 2 sound vs the 2022 (? - 520xxx serial number) Supercap DR? If I’m honest, I don’t think I can hear a difference.

It’s always difficult comparing what you are hearing now with what you can remember hearing a day or so earlier - but I’ve listened to several of my favourite tracks since the DR was installed and I can’t say I’ve heard anything that I haven’t heard before. All my equipment is powered on 24 hours/day, by the way.

I’m not unhappy I bought it, since all my kit now (bar the NDac) is a year or two old so will last me a long time. But, is a SCDR worth double the money that a non-DR commands? In my opinion, no.


Have put naim ball support and ball under my Ansuz D2 Powerswitch, my Puritan 156 and my Lindemann Bridge II. Good update! Hard feet sound better than rubber in my system (just as it did with 552, NDS and ND555). Auva EQ is going back. They slowed my system down and the bass got reduced.


how is your speaker cable analysis going?

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