What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

I understand your reason for changing the older unit, bit disappointing that you haven’t heard a slight improvement ,often I have heard people say the same but then after awhile they have put the old unit back in to find that there is a benefit to the new replacement, maybe time will tell, as long as you are happy that’s the main thing, many thanks for the reply.

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It’s moving forward. But cables is indeed a huge puzzle. But I’m thinking about maybe evaluating C2 too when I’m at it…I have got a very very good offer but it’s still expensive of course. But A2 is great indeed and so is Ref. Against Oephi Reference I’d say Reference is bit more slim in the bass where A2 have bit more drive. A2 has a lot of macro, micro details and frequency range where Reference has little bit more of it. Overall I’d say it’s a matter of taste and synergy. Ansuz you can find used pretty often at half the price. Oephi almost never. Both are very very good cables indeed and the best I’ve heard. They are transformative in any system IMO. Box level upgrade.

Ansuz is updating their cable range to “3” now and they are in production so now is a good time to keep your eyes open for those upgrading and replacing A2, C2, D2.

If you haven’t seen the latest “Jay’s audio lab” factory tour at Ansuz Denmark on Youtube then be sure to check it out. 3 episodes + listening tests etc. Good stuff! :slight_smile:


sounds good. i am very interested in th C2 also. after i get the u-588 they will probably be the next item i try. really like listening to your thoughts. thanks!

There could be another reason for this - wrong sw… :rofl::blush:

Nearly 24 hours into the utopik power supply upgrade for my kds/3 which has been my first gear purchase this year after the organik dac upgrade last year.

This has to be one of the best value for money upgrades from linn for their sources so far, perhaps on par with the turntable bearing upgrade karousel a few years back. Better soundstage, mid range voices have more authority and presence (quite like the first time I heard a kandid), the timing of bass instruments and drums is better and most significantly there is better instrument/voice separation and detail, especially in dense mixes. And it still sounds coherent and engaging into naim amplification. The gap between digital and my lp12 for a lot of music keeps closing and it is now voiced in quite a similar way, I guess due to their ability to control more of the end to end chain.

Nice job and well worth hearing/upgrading if relevant and you get the chance. :blush:


Since i will be relocated by my employer in 2025 and the living space surely will become a little bit smaller, i needed to decide, what to do with my system.

So i changed everything but the turntable and the Naim Core, sold everthing else and went for a fully active System with a Lumin P1 and Lyravox Karlina II.

So far pretty awesome.


After owning a lot of different speakers, I am still looking for the one pair of all pairs.

Room is a bit difficult, so the next step is tuning the room. For now I switched from ADAM Compact to a fresh pair ATC SCM 7 speakers. This is the latest gear I bought after listening to a lot of monitors.

The ATC speakers have won me over from the first notes of music.
These tiny ones will stay for a bit.


Hi, I have never heard of your speakers until now. I own a Lumin P1, so I am curious how you are using it with these speakers? I use mine directly to my Nagra Classic amp, so using the Leedh digital volume, and as a source and preamp.
A little research shows your speakers also have a Pre onboard.
Really cool simple setup, congrats.

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I ran a pair of ATC 7 with my system for several months a while back and just loved them! My wife also enjoyed then and was quite impressed with their performance. I am sure you will be having a great time listening to your system for the foreseeable future…


I am running through my whole LP and CD collection with joy again. Although, some records are just a nightmare in quality on these two tiny ones, but just what I was looking for.

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I’ve been saving up to replace my amp for a while now but there is a very tempting listing on the bay consisting of a pair of 600 ovators, a snaxo and hicap 2…hmmmmmm :thinking:

On balance, it is probably better to stay married than make an offer on the listing…


absolutely, after all, if you do buy them, when your spouse leaves you, they will get half your HiFi too, and you’d have to split the ovators

Bought new jumpers for the ATC SCM 7 as the original “bridges” are missing in action.
Chord signature links, looking forward to test them.

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if you don’t get n with them then consider converting your scm 7’s to single wire, i did my 11’s and its an improvement. 15 min jib by simply removing the back plate and undoing a few bolts and putting the HF & LF on one connector.


Two of these for the DVD and Sat receiver;

Sufficiently impressed with C-Stream to give these a go as they were on sale.



Considered the option, the easy way was the jumpers.
But the soldering on the inside is a good idea, thanks!

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Four Powerlines just fitted to my system! Better LF from the get-go, I like it! :slight_smile:


No need to solder as the tags are on nuts on the binding post so easy to undo and reverse if you don’t like it.:+1:


Ansuz Darkz C2t feet for my Ansuz D2 switch. Titanium balls (not me).


Half the cost of the switch ? Just guessing. I wonder if Stillpoints ultra mini would be not cheaper, and still very effective.