What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Yes on both, did run the Plus for some time out to the Technics coax but then wanted to try the filters, so went to line out, using the internal Dac.

Not sure anything was conclusive, but as the Ultra is going into my late 1990’s Densens, well amp Dacs ain’t an option, and sounding really good all together.

Lyra Delos to Kleos upgrade. Getting sweeter by the hour! Great service as ever from Andy at Signals. Fettled my Gyro SE at the same time.


Might that have been you being fettled Wednesday morning?

I was mooching about whilst a friend kept Kevin busy with some endless speaker demonstrations.

Nah twas Tuesday Nick - bet you enjoyed every minute of it, can’t beat helping other people spend their readies!

Yes, I’d agree on the considerable uptick in detail which the Ultra, compared to my Node and ATV into an Arcam DAC. So far, I much prefer the Ultra in line out mode, over sending a digital out to my DAC.

That said, I’m finding the higher level of perceived detail is slightly offset by lower end “bloat”. My KEF KC62 is in another system (at another house now) so I’m simply using my B&W805D3 as they are, and even with (or without Ultras room correction applied) there is a smidgeon of bass overload. I’ve not tried tinkering with any other EQ settings, yet, as quite frankly they look like hieroglyphics to me…

There’s lots to like about the Ultra, in terms of SQ and features, but I need to get this bass issue sorted.

Hi Charles, I’m not using the EQ settings or room EQ, I had a very quick play with room EQ on the pro plus but turned it off near instantly. Also kept well away from preset EQ styles.

The additional options on the line out setting for DAC filter options may be worth exploring, about 7 different options there. I haven’t changed it from the default on the Ultra but preferred an alternative setting to default on the Pro Plus.

I also made sure I had output toggle set to fixed on both Ultra and Pro Plus as opposed to leaving it at default of variable but set to 100%.

Hope you get your bass sorted out.

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Hi Adam,

Thanks for your thoughts.

I had a good listen to the Ultra last night and I experimented with the Room correction on/off, and I’ve settled on off, too. I’ll try the filters, also, later on.

Overall, the bass “issue” does seem to be settling, or maybe my hearing is adjusting!

It’s definitely a fuller sound than the Pro Plus, although in different systems I find its style more akin to my Cdx2.2 player, big boned with lots of detail and rythm.

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I’ve had a couple of hours this morning, and I’m less a fan of the Ultra than I initially thought.

The Room EQ is pretty poor, so that’s an easy selection. In my case, it just made things sound very bloated. However, without it, the sound is quite thin, well, compared to my Marantz SA8005 playing the same songs (same masters etc). The bass is emaciated. The Marantz rounds things out superbly, the Wiim draws everything into a narrower, less appealing focus.

I’ll preserve and let it settle, plus maybe a few of DAC filters may be worth a try, but they are usually minor, subtle differences I’ve found.

No agreed, filter shouldn’t make a fundamental shift in the output.

For full disclosure I’m not using the packaged interconnects on the streamer (although temporarily used between amps and haven’t introduced anything nasty). Also using Ethernet connection and at latest firmware.

Best of luck!

Well, I’ve had a few more hours of the Ultra and it’s not been very positive, unfortunately.

With or without Room EQ the sound is distinctly amiss for me, either too much or too little lower mids. I thought I was imagining things, because initially straight out of the box things were promising.

I’ve brought the Bluesound and the ATV/Arcam DAC back into play and they sound much better, at least in my set up.

And as said above, against my Marantz CD player the Ultra sounds terrible.

I’m using Ethernet and non-WiiM supplied cables, but I think it’ll be going back to sender soon at this rate.

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PMC active Twenty5 upgrade kit has arrived …


Nice! A very considered purchase… :+1:




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Nice ! I trust you will be documenting the upgrade and posting some piccies ?




Never been a fan of the looks of PMC speakers but your pair look amazing in the gloss black.


I just do not trust the WiiM products. They supply the streaming capabilities for Audio Pro and when I first got my C10, I checked the IP traffic and it was pinging everything on my network to the likes of Alibaba, Amazon and a host of other Chinese websites. I blocked it from accessing the internet. After that, and the very, very reasonable prices they charge, it has just led me to believe something is not quite right…

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Excellent - look forward to having a read :+1:

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Ovator S400’s changed to Neat Motive SX1’s and Hi-Line ic between streamer and SN2.