What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

600 EUR used. Darkz are made to fit the original feet like a glove (as shown on the pic above).

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Super tip, many thanks!!

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Reasonable price. It should sound better. Get us informed.

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Arrived today and now fitted. A rel tzero mk 3 sub. Connected to Roksan power amp Which are connected to the q acoustics main speakers which is connected to the Atom which is connected to a pair of ruark prologue 1s. Does anyone else have one of the rel subs. And what do you think of them. Up to now I love them


Is that firing into a corner?

Ansuz A2 Mainz installed on my Ansuz D2 Powerswitch.


Are you sure, that you are not a bit cableinsane? :rofl:
Where do you get all this stuff and how can you test all at once.
I know this topic - done it way too fast.
One at a time is sometimes better… that what I was adviced the when I was Dohmen warp speed updates


No idea what you mean? :smile:

I’m helping you guys out finding new stuff! :wink:

Good price ! New 1120 in Germany.
Are they better than the stack audio?

1,8k Euro new.
How much of them do you need?

Don’t know yet. Will get them Friday :slight_smile:

My A2 is 3m so bit more new so more like 3500EUR. Bought it used though.

I use an s510, surprising hownmuch difference it made across the whole range of music

have an A2 mainz and A2 cable. love it. more detail, quieter, improved midrange and tighter bass. a little of everything. not mind boggling changes, subtle but very noticeable. will be updating to D3 in a few months.

Bought blind without return window. Respect :saluting_face:

D3 is out of budget but please share your experience once it’s in :slight_smile: What did you replace the A2 with?

Dealer on both so return window is open :slight_smile:

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still have the A2 Mainz and A2 cable. Update will be D3 Mainz for A2 Mainz will use the A2 cable until I decide what to do. D3 power cables are soooo expensive.

It’s down firing. They suggested behind the speaker. My son is in here tonight with his mates. Hence back so he can control base.

Ah, noted. I see.

Ah I understand :slight_smile: :+1: