What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

In preparation for a Naim source component that I really probably shouldn’t have bought. Currently two days late for delivery


That a very Julian style thought.


Haha. Well if he’d ever said it sounded better that way, I guarantee we’d see hundreds of pics of backwards Fraims posted by the more dogmatic faithful.

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Remote control might be a bit tricky though…

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Latest acquisition, sounding like no other box speaker I’ve heard, on first hearing they seem bass light, the you realise there’s no boxiness to the sound very similar to ESL’s.


They integrate beautifully with a sub

A Rega Planar 8 has replaced my LP12/Ittok. The dealer kindly fitted my AT - OC9.

Sounds fantastic and it’s fuss free. Happy chap.



Interesting that you kept the OC9, I have one on my LP12/Ittok. How do the two players compare - was the LP12 an orginal model?

Hi Chris, what do you like more of the Rega? My recent very short experience with the Sondek has been not so happy

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Hi @Mike_S and @rsch ,

I have heard photographers describe Leica M cameras and lenses as being ‘hewn from solid’ and the images having a colour and contrast that other makers cannot give you. I do not know whether this is true, but it rings true. The sound of the Planar 8 is hewn from solid for me. It’s complete. In a way it reminds me of when I bought my Nait XS in 2010. The sound was complete, nothing was missing. Similarly the Planar 8.

Rega’s 2mm three point stainless steel shim was fitted at the arm base of my Planar 8, for my OC9.

The Sondek spec was 1986 fluted walnut, Valhalla, Cirkus, Ittok LVII, new belt.



Finally my order for Valhalla 2 power cord arrived :grin:


Congratulations, that’s quite an upgrade! Are the Sort Kone for the Qbase? I wonder how the Valhalla sounds compared to the Norse family.

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I actually prefered my old Sondeks than last one i owned. Congratulations for your new Rega btw.


@Blacknote hi thanks for the congrats . . it’s a huge leap … the gap between Norse 2 ( my tyr 2) and Valhalla 2 is too huge . Initial hook up 2 hours playback was amazing … need months to fully run in , by then it’s gonna be another level of everything. Btw The TC s are for my streamer :clap:t2:

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When I read his post, I immediately thought : I think Mike Sweatie has an lp12 / itock/ oc9. So I am also curious to know how the P8 compares.

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Very nice Chris. A lovely machine.

If you’ve not read it already, this is a very informative and interesting read.


Are you going to replace your interconnects as well? I’m glad that you can already experience a big improvement after only 2 hours. I suppose that the Valhalla will mostly settle down after 50-80 hours at least, even though it’ll take much longer to get it fully run in. Are the TC worth buying? Did you experience some resonance problems with your streamer?

@Blacknote … the TC an are an upgrade from the outgoing Isoacoustic . Definitely it better isolate the streamer further :wink:

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