What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Just in time for the weekend too. Enjoy :+1:

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Naim could really do with toughening up their exterior packaging on the NC boxes, mine turned up torn to shreds too.



@Osiris yes agreed, the dealer isn’t impressed with outer boxes either. But it just shows you what the delivery firms do to ‘precision equipment’ :thinking:

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Looks like Naim may be using recycled rather than ‘virgin’ cardboard, perhaps.

Mercy, mercy me, the ecology…

I think you meant to reply to me @nitrous - anyhow enjoy the 350’s :+1:

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I expect the aperture in the outer box to make the model/serial number label visible is too attractive as a hand hold to a delivery person, so gets torn there as its not re-enforced enough to be an actual handhold.

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New RCM to try out for the weekend.

Got fedup with the noise my 1st generation Project RCM makes during use - at about a year old (i.e. just out of warranty) it started sounding like a bag-o-nails trying to escape when switched on, so i have rarely used it since.


@GeoffC indeed the reply to to both really as I was jumping on your analogy. But thanks the ‘twins’ are playing away nicely now, it will be interesting to hear how the sound develops. Hope your two turn out ok😀

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@kwhitmarsh yes exactly the ‘window’ in the outer. Box looks like a good bet to use as a handle until the 20kg resistance comes into play! At least what’s left will keep the bust of the main boxes in the loft😂

Yet another 9000CDT picture (apologies for the fingerprints :roll_eyes: ). Purchased this a few weeks ago. Connected to my NDX2/XPs via a Naim DC RCA to BNC cable and i’m well impressed with the sound quality. I do enjoy the tactile experience of record and cd even if I mainly listened to streamed from my Roon server.


Looks great. How does that “select” button work?

Turn and press I wager.

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Thanks, I really like that, it almost looks like abstract artwork rather than wood. It’s nice to see manufacturers trying something different, like the Dynaudio special 40, Focal concrete finishes etc.

(Apologies, forgot to reply yesterday)

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No worries! It is good to see new options, and brave that it is one of only 2 standard finishes

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Off the back of some posts by @Skeptikal and @gthack have just received a couple of these this morning.


LoL, I’ve one on order too :sunglasses:


Yup, this forum is an excellent influence on wallet emptying.

Got one for the house and one for the cabin.

Haven’t used it yet but its got a nicely engineered feel to it, looks like its been thought out. AT do also package everything with just enough care without going over the top.


@Mike_S @Adam1 don’t blame me if it trashes your CDs :wink:

…but I do genuinely hope you think it isn’t an awful cleaning brush!

Glad you’re enjoying yours! I’m really impressed with mine. I just bought the £99 DC blocker and attached it to the CDT. I think it might be raven better now!

If it makes Adele’s last album unlistenable it will obviously be your fault :wink: