What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

i use these tubes dampers, with the cage on.


Markaudio-Sota Cesti MB speakers. Seem to be going at ridiculous cheap prices from uk distributor due to new model and warehouse space. Anyway, took a punt thinking I can’t lose any money on them and I’m bowled over by them. In my system/room they are sounding just amazing.


Do you refer to the standard Netzleiste as the recommended one?
I have 3 of the Standard ones - also hard to get these days.
The Plus was a very good offer on a known platform.
When I have the time and project to crawl behind the rack I will change it - even standard Netzleiste fed with PL to 555PS and PN is better than fed by the Igel.

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A brand new Thunder Data Silent Angel Bonn N8, just arrived from China.

Better late than sorry.

I googled this like I do anything on here I don’t recognise because I’m the curious sort. Not horrendously expensive all things considered (I’ve seen how the price of audio grade stuff can go sky high) I’d be interested to hear about your experience with this especially if you’ve previously had a non audiophile switch as I’m dangerously close to needing a switch just because my router doesn’t have enough ports.

Very nice. Some years ago I replaced a 2006 282 with a 2016 252. I never looked back, nor did I regret the decision for a second. Happy tunes to you.


Thank you. The 252 has been on my plan for a long time but I quite hesitate due to reading some different opinions about 282 and 252. Until I got a Superline and want to power it from the pre amp, I bite the bullet to get a 252 then. Happy that I did.


Happy tunes!
Turn up and drown out the noise of Krung Thep …! :grinning:


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Haha. Thank you,

Officially the purchase was in 2023, as I made the call on the 30th of December, but the money wasnn’t handed over until this week, so that counts right?

Anyways, I’ve got a nice new ND555 sitting in the spare bedroom. The power supply for it should be arriving this coming week according to DHL. I’m pretty excited to see how it sounds.

The speaker search continues. I really liked the Totem Element Metals, but they didn’t pass the aesthetics committee (apparently being black they created a bit of a black focus in the corner of the room with all the electronics and TV). I’ve currently got some Fyne F702 to test for sounds quality (the F702SP would be the target), but even I think that they are a bit big in the space, and more problematically really need to come quite a way into the room to sound their best.

Still on the list are PMC Fact.12 (although I’m wondering about Fact.8’s in terms of size), and Kudos Titan 606. I can feel a day trip to Melbourne for some listening in my future…

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My new CDX-2 and XPS-DR, to replace a much missed CDS2/XPS.

Plugged into the mains to warm up from cold.


Congratulations, did it come from Australia? It really is a class product, it will be great out of the box but will also improve significantly over a few months of playing.

I wondered if you would try the Fyne’s. My dealer was trying to get me to swap out my Forest Signatures for a pair, but it ain’t happening. I assume you’ve ruled out the Forest Signatures? I love mine, which has saved me the hassle of having to upgrade them.

I got it through Paul Money as the last stock of the old Australian distributor. John at Paul Money is really helpful :slight_smile:

Steve at RMC hasn’t mentioned the Forests yet, although the relatively simple cabinet design, wood veneer and smaller size would probably make my wife happy. If only Totem made the Element Metals with a wood veneer…

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Yes, I’ve found really good to. Got the used 552/300 and new ND555 from him. I must pop into their shop one day and meet him.

Chord Signature Digital to go between my Lindemann Bridge II and NDS is in. It’s a stiff one so had to turn the back leg on my fraim to make it fit.

I’m always surprised what digital cables can do to a system. This one brings much more details, depth, definition to the music than my basic Supra that is always around when needed. Will also evaluate Tidal Max when it arrives to Lindemann within few days and compare to Qobuz.


It will provide a worthwhile improvement. My experience was adding the Forrester F1 power supply was not a subtle improvement. The combination of the two made a big uplift in my system. When I had these on trial it was one of the few times my wife told me a peice of HiFi was not going back.

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From memory I think the Chord EE switch is based on this.

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I think the N8 is a very nice addition.

The music and the vocals are very clear and easier to follow, I find it relaxing and I enjoy that I am listening to more information without effort, more voices, more instruments, more noises from the venue and the band and the public. I write noises in a positive way, they make the replay more realistic.

There is also a noticeable effect in the stage that seems more related to the record in play. May be I am dreaming, but I can guess if the record is in a studio, a club, a church, a big theater or in the open… The music is less attached to the speakers, aurally and visually. In a general way the stage is higher and deeper, Mark Knopfler is singing now and it seems he has grown to full human scale, he was smaller before the N8.

I also would say that there is a bit more extension, or definition or speed or control. I do not know what it is, but I like it.

I am upgrading from a Cisco that now seems inadequate, and I regret not doing this change before. The problem now is I think I have to purchase the related power supply, what a disaster.

But Mark and the band are now with “Lights of Taormina” and it is a beautiful rendering.

There are several threads in the forum about the N8, if you want to read more.

I read that the N8 insides are licensed to NuPrime and sold under the name Omnia SW-8, and to English Electric that sell the 8Switch.

I checked all them and bought the more convenient.

Return of an old friend.

I see they have improved the feet.