What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Loving mine! Enjoy the music :grinning:.

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How is he? There are a lot for sale currently

Oh Lordy….

Makes me think of the Naim Aro tonearm…no ability to change overhang or tangency, still well loved. Same with Well Tempered arms for the last couple decades. Bill Firebaugh’s view on the subject is interesting and worth reading.

I use a Feickert protractor and try to get alignment as perfect as possible with most arms…even so, any common alignment is only “right” at two specific points across the record. All aspects of cart set up are a compromise.

Slippers, socks & bare feet shots have heard the final knell, and their successor is taking the stage :face_with_peeking_eye:

A cautionary tale on this occasion!
Thankfully I don’t own any chrome plated hifi either :smiling_face:

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It’s very nice. Once I got it completely dialed in; I like it a lot. I prefer it to my Rega P8. (it could also be my brain tricking my ears with a price effect). There’s a lot more realism and presence to me.

As for the number of them for sale, it looks like all of the Solstices for sale globally are ex-demo units, which seems about right that shops would be selling their floor models as the run of 500 of them are likely all sold now. The power supply was a considerable improvement over the Naim NVC TT being powered by the 332. I tried that first with the Rega, before swapping the deck out.

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Wiim Pro Plus now on streaming duties on the Technics, Yam Ad-10 moved to the Densen system.

Very easy setup on the Wiim, nicely packaged and sounding very impressive.


Just added an nDAC to my ND5XS2.
Only had about an hour listening yesterday, but there is a definite improvement in SQ. It’s a bit early, but my first impression would describe it as more refined with an obvious soundstage uplift and better detail.

Looking forward to giving it a proper run today. Very happy!


Teaser: Just pressed the button on some significant upgrades. Pics to follow… :grin:


Just setup and running in today NSC 222 (I bid au revoir to my Selekt today), trying to get a few hours in before school pickup :partying_face:

It seems to be very happy with the NAP 250!


You’ll definitely be wanting two of those narrow rear legs then :smirk:. Unfortunately standard height only, so top shelf will want relegging?


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Seems ok, I have the RCA’s off the Rega connected ok :+1:t2:

Yes, they are a good match!

P.S. As well as a couple of narrow legs you will be needing another Fraim shelf for the NPX 300 :rofl:

Got a spare shelf already for my sins!
Not sure I see the narrow legs as essential, unless I’m missong something obvious?

I found the speaker cable connections snagged the rear leg on the 250 shelf and some of the digital inputs were obscured on the 222 shelf, but I’m fussy about not crushing/crimping cables :smirk:.


Just what I got on Wednesday, but with a Vertere DG1 TT. Good isn’t it!

No complaints with the change, I’ve had the NAP 250 almost a year already so this was the next logical step to take.


Will be here in a couple of months.

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How did that happen?

Let the fun begin… :sunglasses:

Edit: Well it’s all gone together okay and that first nervous power up went okay!

Very happy with the purchase, from a well known retailer, as the boxes are clearly straight from a full Naim refurb. Sealed cable packs etc…

Straight out of the box and cold, here’s a noticeable increase in clarity, separation, depth and width. Looking forward to when they’re all run back in.