What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Let us know how it sounds. I’m interested in getting one.

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Advice from Mike at Puritan is about 2 weeks to settle in.

I have been using mine for 5 or 6 weeks or so. I cannot say that I noticed any significant increase in SQ but more importantly, it did not degrade the SQ or dynamics in any way.

The main bonus for me was cleaning up my mains. The transformer hum from my 300 series (4 transformers) disappeared as soon as I powered on the 156. Also, the hum when a hairdryer or fridge is on has also disappeared. I am talking about transformer hum in all cases - I never heard any noise at my speakers.

I use Puritan classic plus mains cables everywhere i.e. wall to 156, 4 x Naim boxes, Oppo 105 and I even bought a figure 8 classic plus for my SKY Q mini box. Therefore all 6 outlets are in use.

There are many people who spend small fortunes on Ethernet/interconnect/speaker/mains cables and switches - why not consider the mains? With many more mains driven products in the home these days it just made sense to me to try and clean my mains. The 156 does this admirably and is nowhere near as expensive as some other products.

It is a well made unit and I feel that I have got decent value for money.


I accidentally bought a 252/supercap DR. Couldn’t resist at that price point. :sweat_smile:

Might take a week or two to get it. Hopefully it will be an upgrade but we’ll see.


Congratulations, I was just wondering how long that ad would be out :grin:

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Cool! :ok_hand: Such things happens so easily.

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The VDH Digi-Coupler is also a very good and sensibly priced option for to connect an MScaler, the triple shielded design is very effective to keep RF out.

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Today I found this for 1/4 of its original price. Powerigel plus (with 6x powerline cable)

Maybe old technology but if it is not fine - think reselling will be no problem.
Will test it against normal Igel I have today.


You can have the orange version


@frenchrooster We have to meet one day - again you made my day … :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Powerline for my 250DR. Hopefully my last purchase for 2024 and beyond. Hopefully….

After some comparisons I would consider the optical decoupling as a step above a ferrited cable, which in turn was a step above a shielded one. In my setup quite equal steps at that. The relative performance between them is of course quite reasonable. Shielding does nothing for something that is already there, ferrites attenuates the RF, and decoupling removes RF from the shield.

In theory a bit of RF may have found its way from the shield into the signal prior to the decoupler. Who knows, shortening the cable before and/or adding ferrites to the cable after may improve that aspect, but that is even further down the rabbit hole.

Two weeks from Stockholm? Was he short on time?

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Just received my Rega RP10 with Apheta 3MC,
What load plug are you using with your superline?
I also own a Michell Gyrodec with an SME IV with an Audio Technica oc9xml
which i was using with 453 z foil plug.


I’ve been using 100 ohm and 1nF with the Apheta 2 - it seemed to give the best sense of rhythm, tension, and drive. I haven’t mounted up the Apheta 3 yet - I’ve broken down all the Fraims and removed all the kit for a deep clean and then re-build this weekend.

There are some good tips on how to build the Fraim in the FAQ……by some young fella😉


No but life is also happening😊

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That’s how it is :+1:

Be keen to hear your impressions of the differences on your 250DR with powerline @cwhizz! I’m still toying with the idea of one for mine!

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I’ll let you know. Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to listen since connecting it yesterday, but by all accounts, it should make some difference. Not expecting a huge change, but fingers crossed for an uplift of some sort. If I don’t hear much change I’ll try on another component (source.?) and decide then whether to keep it. Just need a couple of hours quiet time…

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