What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Yeah that would be great if you could when you get the chance to have a good listen! Best of luck with it!

It could also be the change to the port height (distance from floor) that made the difference.

Not bought just yet, but my dealer just got in a Boulder 1108 phono-stage. He’s going to run it in for a bit, and loan it to me for a home evaluation. I’m looking because I need two phono-inputs, but don’t want to downgrade from Naim Superline/SCDR quality.

My other option is to get a 2nd Superline (PSU…TBD), but I’m not sure I want to add two more boxes to accomplish that. I already have an eight box Naim system. The Boulder would make it six plus Boulder. Getting another Superline would make it ten, and then I’d need another Fraim (unless I get taller legs for my SCDR and stack the PSUs for the two Superlines).

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More clarity, effortless sound, tighter bass, better separation of instruments, better soundstage, ……were the obvious differences.

Changing the height of your speaker (tweeter in most) relative to your ear will make a big difference. So at least part of the difference they made will be due to height change.

If you ever change your bases, you’d do well to make sure the height doesn’t change.

Are your tweeters ear level?

Maybe 1 cm taller

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Depending on your age, that won’t last long. It’ll go from 1cm taller to 2cm shorter before you know it :joy:


4 into 1


New cable configuration sounds even better than the older type loaned for home demo.



Arriving later this week, Kef R3 Meta.

Yes it will be a pair of them.


If the MoFi’ SP8’s are not in my profile in 6 months………….the living arrangement didn’t work out.

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An unexpected but expensive afternoon on the 'bay, seller was local…


Nice - I’ll be very interested to hear what you think as I’m thinking of exactly the same move from a NAC 272. Maybe swapping the NDX 2 for an NDAC to go with my Primare NP5.

I got new Siltech deltron-style banana connectors for my NACA5 cable. I had Transparent deltron bananas on the speaker end, and standard Naim Deltrons on the amp. The latter constantly wanted to slide out, and I never had a great solder job on them anyway. I have the gold version on the speakers and the rhodium version on the amp.

They are a perfect fit for the shield on the NACA5 cable.

I have never had Deltron-style bananas that fit as snugly and securely as the Siltech ones I have now. I noted the Siltech bananas are a few mm longer than the Naim and Transparent.

Speaker end: these fit into the WBT connectors Dynaudio uses.

300DR end of things:


Congrats on the purchase. I have the old type SL cables for demo but haven’t hooked them up yet.

I think you mean spring loaded banana plugs. Deltron is a brand.

I’m interested, how do the Siltechs attach to the cable? The are very shallow the cable end. Do they actually have a traditional solder or crimp bucket or are they the new deadbolt variety?

I did say “deltron-style.” I know Deltron is a brand.

These have barrels that accept a cable, with two screws, one to fasten the cable with shield, the other to fasten the bare cable.


If the impact is as significant on your 300 system as it was for my 200, you will not be disappointed. Although depending on the layout of your 350’s, the shotgun cable configuration could be a bit of a tight fit, unless, of course, Naim have loaned you two :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?

That just leaves the wallet thumping decision as to whether or not to order a set.

I blame my dealer for tempting me…. :innocent:.

ATB and good luck with the test.


Another heretic.
Just bought a Puritan PSM156 fed by Ultimate mains cable.
Hopefully will receive later this week🤞.


This thread is ultra dangerous. Over the last couple of weeks since I started looking, I too purchased a Puritan PSM156 to try out. Will be a few weeks as I live half a world away. Also bought a pair of AVAA active bass traps. I really need to look away now.