What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

An Ifi dc blocker reduced a bit the noises in my speakers, at 1/10 of the cost :partying_face::crazy_face:


Will leave on repeat and work on position and tidy up when more time and then integration with subs.

Kef R3 Meta, fit and finish is stunning.

Kinda remind me of some old Meridian speakers.


those look great - what’s your initial un-broken-in impression SQ-wise??

Switched out my 282 for a 252 this morning. I agonised a fair bit over this upgrade after reading so much on this forum about the 252 being boring after a 282 etc. I demo’d a 252 briefly before and even then I wasn’t sure, but I have to say, I don’t hear it now. I’ve changed my speakers since, which may have a lot to do with it, but now it’s just like the 282 except a bit more of everything. If anything it feels a bit faster, definitely more detailed and some of the cymbal and string sounds that I’ve heard so far have been uncanny. I’d already put a Supercap on my 282, so the step to a used (and recently serviced) 252 was not very large and now I’m sitting here listening to it, seems like an absolute no brainer. This is my end point now though. I don’t have space to move from a 250DR to a 300DR and I don’t have the will to even consider the 500 series. It’s quite nice to have scratched all the upgrade itches, and I have to say, where its at now is not a bad place to be at all!


Obviously very early days but certainly very detailed and great image height. The Target R2 stands are a bit higher than recommended height but seeing as much of the listening is done standing up using Gym equipment it isn’t an issue.

It’s a great place to be. I took to 252 like a duck to water after 282’s ‘show-off’ (lol :wink: ) forward presentation that I personally found a bit too much after awhile, great as it was for short listens. My stereo/ears/room etc…not knocking the 282, a fine pre.

I would say though, keep a weather ear out for a nice used 300DR when/if you have space - it was very much a ‘blimey’ moment for me after 250DR. My step-off moment.

Congrats on being where you are. It’s ear not gear, after all…


That’s interesting. I’m awaiting a used 252/supercap Dr to replace my 82/supercap. Will most likely write something about it when it arrives. Your post made me think it might be a good move.


Slight tidy up and repositioning of the R3’s, subs moved but still off at this stage.

Even this early vocals are stunning in their clarity and image height.


@Adam1 nice Denson you got there !:wink:

Cheers, absolute classic of an amp and CD player, think I bought them circa 1997, all recently serviced and refreshed.

I’m just using the Beat100 Integrated into the LS50 Metas as opposed to the B300 power amp, sounds sublime.

Have begged them a number of times to revisit the DM10 amp and re release, what a beast that would be.

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252 and 250 is a great combination in my experience. Enjoy!

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Nice one. The 252/250 is a really great system, where the real magic starts to happen in my experience.

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Yes. House might be ready hopefully by the end of this year (2.5 years in the making). So, looking around for a set. Seriously considering the G2 or the K90. Looks like I should consider the latter and save up for this behemoth’s little brother. Everything up in the air now.

I am exploring on the power conditioner front. I use PS audio for now but it is softer than mains direct. Would like to try something harder & maybe this Puritan will fit. Let’s see…

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So a funny thing happened when I tried installing my newly acquired Shelter Harmony cartridge on my old Thorens turntable last week… I ripped one of the cartridge tags. After a few uttered expletives I considered various options and settled on finally upgrading the old Rega RB300 tonearm with the new Rega RB3000. Except hey, the turntable and arm are 20 years old and wouldn’t take the newer 3-point mount.

A few more expletives later and many frantic days of research I decided to start from scratch with a new Rega Planar 10 in white.

It arrived this arvo and after holding my nerves I installed the Shelter and spun a couple of records.

So how does it sound? It’s good. It’s darned good.

It’s also fresh out of the box with an equally fresh cartridge that needs at least 100 hours of running in so the sound will likely morph and change over that time before it settles down.

Quick notes: More detail, especially in the midrange with an almost bell-like clarity top-to-bottom. Imaging is fantastic and there’s plenty of punch & snap. Bass is less fullsome but there’s greater detail and tonality. Previous combo sounded sluggish, almost turgid by comparison, imposing a monolithicness to everything played. The sound here is faster, and it seems truer to what’s on the record.

I’ve many fun hours ahead of me…


That’s a pretty tall cartridge. If you don’t have a spacer under the arm it would probably benefit from one or more. I have 2mm under my P8’s arm. Every time I change it I curse Rega for their view that VTA doesn’t matter.

That looks great in white! Lovely turntable, I have a P8 and think it’s great, but I love the arm on the P10.

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That view is correct, it doesn’t matter. The angle of the cutters cutting your records vary far more.


I thought I might need a spacer but once I set everything up and gave it a look over the arm is pretty much spot-on parallel to the record surface so all good there.

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Here are the responses in my room using similar vertical axes to yourself:

The 200Hz and HF background noise is the cat’s water fountain in the next room.


I’m not so quick to rule out VTA. Setting it right made a noticable difference to microdynamics when I did it.

I don’t think the angle of the tip on the groove is making the difference so much as centre of gravity in the motor of the cartridge being at the optimum angle in relation to the cantilever movement. I can see how that might also mean some carts are more prone to that than others.