What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Changing the VTA in my set-up changes the sound. If VTA didn’t matter it shouldn’t. It still works without optimal adjustment but most of us are looking for optimal. This is why the majority of hi-end turntables have adjustable VTA including Naim’s Solstice. Rega’s view is very much the minority.

252/Supercap DR collected and plugged in since 5h. Sounding very good so far. Don’t understand the negative comments. As far as I can hear and this is early I know. It’s more open, more leading edge attack, faster, higher resolution, more insight, more natural and the list goes on. I might discover some downsides as time goes but as of now this pre is clearly better than the 82/Supercap. Remember I didn’t find the 282/hicap DR better than the 82/hicap and chose the 82 back then. Now the story is very different. Same speakers, same source.


Puritan Ultimate is in! :wink:


Yes it is and it’s also clearly better than it’s cheaper sibling.

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Mine sounds great… been in a week now… week to go according to Mike at Puritan…

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The one I have (Puritan cable) has only been in the system for 2 days and it’s brand new.

I went from 282/HiCap to 282/HCDR to 282/SCDR to 252/SCDR.

The 252 was by far the most significant improvement. Once I had it plugged in playing for a few hours I boxed up the 282 and listed it for sale. I never looked back and never thought to listen to the 282 again.


Then it’s just a matter of congratulating, almost a little jealous, the low price you had to pay was completely unbeatable! :scream::+1:

Respect the moral compass, hope the delta is not too big :crossed_fingers:t2:

Decided to treat myself to an Atom HE. Its for the bedside table… I find headphones help out when my tinnitus is annoyingly loud.


Thank you. Today I am not as convinced. However both the pre and Supercap needs to run for a while to really settle and the Puritan Ultimate needs to be run in from new. We’ll see how things turn out in the long run.


Give it time…my 252/300/Puritan upgrade is 10 days in and still developing…. It’s starting to sound truly wonderful. There was an interesting blip at about day 4 where suddenly the bass was booming, then 24 hours later it had settled. I’ve been running it constantly with it at very low level at night or when I’m out.


I sure will.

Dali Menuet SE to partner the Atom. Incredible speakers


That looks ruler flat in comparison, especially in terms of decay! Should sound pretty neutral I guess. Do you have a photo of your system and room treatments? Just curious given the extensive description in your profile!

How did you make the REW measurements? I think that if you do a frequency sweep, the background noise should be automatically removed.

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Been away for the weekend. Came home. Listened for a while. It sounded better than when I left. Relaxed the Burndy. Sound got worse. Relaxed it again with twisting wrists and all😅. Lo and behold the sound was clearly better. More air. Crisper and more breath. Cleaner also, it seems. Pretty cool.

This is regarding my new (used) 252/Supercap DR.


Latest purchase, a dust cover for my vinyl cleaner :innocent:


I bought a used 150x for my bedroom system, I should be getting some Linn Majik 109’s to go with it.

I will be using a 202 preamp, along with an upgraded SimpleAudio Roomplayer working as a Roon endpoint.


Just received my used Arcam tuner today. The delivery cost more than the tuner. :slightly_frowning_face:


I have a really ancient, unused Rega tuner. It’s a half chassis, but not in width, rather depth. My wife bought it for me when we got married 29 years ago. I don’t even know if it works, and have thought about tossing it at the next electronic recycling event.