What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Think the last serial numbers were late 2019….though I guess distribution has them floating around for the following handful of months at least…much longer if you’re at the bottom of the planet…or, is that the top…?!

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Think they were deleted around 2020 but it’s hard to tell as they’re still listed on the Naim site. Remember this is Aus they may have sitting around in a warehouse till 2020 before it was sold. I do know they’re rare here. I did have one around 2016 but sold it when I got my 272.


Pete, been using a DAC V1 for several yeas as a headphone amp very good indeed. My dealer reconfigured the Remote Codes so it does not clash with my existing Naim kit.


Thanks I might see if my guy can as well. :+1:

You were in good shape three days ago Nigel.


Which, as it so turned out, sucked the life right out of the LP12. So the LP12 power chord now goes directly in the one wall socket.

All black boxes are on the Netzleiste Plus, which goes into the other wall socket of the dedicated mains. All good now.

Used / mint condition Innuos Zen 3 replaces my 2017 Mac Mini for server duties.

Wasn’t convinced I’d hear much change in SQ, but can confirm it’s a worthwhile step up: more low-level detail certainly, while instruments seem to have a more natural decay.

Hugely impressed with the ease of CD ripping and generally liking the Sense app. I can now hear music simply by pressing ‘play’ – which with Audirvana was also achievable sometimes, but so were various other undesired outcomes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks also to Innuos support, who provided a speedy resolution to a setup problem I encountered.


New power cable. Really well, and locally, made. 3x 6mm2 conductors and gold plated connectors. An absolute bargain with significant uplift in sound over Audioquest (3 times the price) and Pangea (twice the price).


I have the same cable between ND555 and Panasonic UHD player :+1:

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It’s a good cable. It’s a stiff cable. Hairdryer next :fire:

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A SuperCap (non-DR) from an excellent private seller in Germany. Almost mint conditions.
Arrived yesterday morning, still off because I need a SNAIC4…
Yes, a HiCap would have been enough, but I so love full, Classic boxes…


Nice to see another Stockholm!




My new speaker cable…


Will let these little babies settle down after their journey. They are gorgeously finished.

New Guru 12’s. First pair in U.K.


They look great, and not even on their website yet either.

Beautifully packed, which doesn’t mean much I know but having had some early Q10’s they were more basic in the way they were packaged. Great speakers though.

Will let them warm up gradually and then hook them up later.

A first for Guru too is having a grill.


Oooo, they look nice. Very Scandinavian :+1:


Agreed, the look at first glance a sealed box but they have a horizontal slot port built into the plinth at the bottom, much like the design of the Q10’s and I’m guessing the Juniors.

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I used to have the Guru Juniors, loved them

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