What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

What’s the price?

Puritan city groundmaster. VFM.

Hello opus,

The standard version retails at €6900,-
With full options (DAC and phono module) it is €10250,-

It is an ex-demo so while writing this i see that the dealer makes a really good offer on it and selling it below the price of the standard version

I was having second thought about it because it needs to be in a cupboard and gets a little hot, but maybe I just need to do it as the opportunity is here.

Best make sure it’ll fit. Also if you have to put in a cabinet you’ll need to figure out how to keep it cool!

It will be a tight fit:

Last photo is not exactly/precise! And measured 48.3cm also :grimacing:.
Maybe put one of those clips in to have the door open (but not at an 90degree angle)

Are you adding to the depth for the cables in the back?
Also you might look into a small computer fan to put in the cabinet

Yes it is including cables. Will be a tight fit.
Or I will have to make a new cupboard/cabinet (adres the problems/mistakes I made with this one)

Did you manage to drill large holes for the bearing cups :flushed:? If so, what kind of drill did you use? I just hand drilled 3,5mm holes for 4mm wood screws that keep the bearing cups from wandering around the FraimLite surface. In my solution the screw head just lies there on the shelf surface, underneath the cup, without touching the ball.

why not just keep it on top, it’s a really nice looking piece of gear?!

I do think so. There are however 2 children running around (4 and 7).

Maybe a good time to try a bit of training? Also there are these large plexiglass two piece covers maybe that would work?

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I recently made the same movie, from xs2 to Supernait2. A very pleasant change. A better match for NDX and speakers/room.

From this……

To this…

Well, I said I was going to simplify my system. Uniti Atom HE also is replaced by this great combo.

Hour 1, day 1. Not bad at all!



They are here! :smiley:


Very nice

Over the last month I’ve bought a lot of sheets of MDF, aluminium and plenty of bags like these…

(Removed photo of a load of parcels. My address was visible… duh :roll_eyes: … thanks @gthack )

And I turned them into this, my upgraded Aegis headphone tube amp! Happy days :grinning:


Nice one :+1:

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I picked up a pair of Slim Base Mullard ECC35 tubes dated 1952. Words are really hard to describe how good these are. A sense of panic swept over me as these things are becoming very hard to find. I’ve managed to pickup another 3 good ones from 1951-52. Maybe another pair or two and I can rest easy :joy:


(Just checking, your address is on those photos)

Amp looks incredible!

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Thanks :pray: removed it just in case!

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