What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Transrotor Uccello MM with a Goldring G1042 stylus, a clear improvement over the VM540ML RigB.


Congrats on the G5. Are the width dimensions the same as g3?

The R1 Arettes are amazing speakers. I demoed a pair last year and they were one of my few favoruite speakers. Love the colour of your pair.


Exactly the same

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I couldn’t stop myself and bought a used Neotech NEP 3200 (power cord) with gold plated contacts. That differs from the one I have with Rhodium but the price was really good so I couldn’t resist. Will be interesting to hear what it does.

Also bought a Puritan Ultimate for my Puritan 108.


Found a NM pair of HiFiman Arya Stealth v3 @ a good price so I’m looking forward to them joining my planars, especially the comparison with Ananda.

Last week I have added a 2nd NPX300 to my system. Had already one on the 332 and now also on the 333.


Too pretty to hide behind a door - really nice!

11 mt. of Linn K20 speaker cable. I needed 2 x 5.5, and NAC A5 has a retail price of €54/mt. now. K20 was €10/mt. shipped (brand new).
I was using Van den Hul Clearwater which has the almost exact specs of the NAC A, yet the difference was far from subtle. I have SA8 plugs both sides, professionally soldered.


Recently purchased the 350’s.
It was only a matter of time……ordered 333, 332 and another 300 today.
I suppose, in for a penny, in for a pound. :blush:


Please don’t tempt me ……. :grinning:


Go on, go on, go on, go, go on, go on, go on……….:blush:


Been looking at used NPX 300s …. But I really need to focus on upgrading my speakers first. Maybe Kudos 606, if my room can take them, or Spendor D7.2. Home demo will be required.

I chickened out of 333 / 332 / 250 due to the upfront cost. I’d have been in real trouble :slightly_frowning_face:. But I’ll likely get there. Being retired I need to balance my spending now, while I have my health, versus eeking it out if I live too long :joy:.

I understand, in the same boat. However, having survived a heart attack and cancer,I tend to live for today and worry about tomorrow, to a degree. :blush:
Having run a NPX300 with a 222, it does give a good uplift. You might decide that you need no more. However, if you decide to go at a later date to a 300 system, it will be of use, should you wish. :+1:


Sorry to hear that. A good friend of mine had a bad stroke almost a year ago, and his brother died suddenly on holiday just recently. It sure makes you think.

The irony is although I have the money, my better half has always been nervous about spending on large items (other than big holidays :grinning:). So I need to tread carefully. I have the time now to really listen to music, so it’ll happen eventually. I just need patience!

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……and that’s what is really all about…….listening to music :ok_hand:…….good night :blush:


Agreed NPX300 on NSC222 is almost a ‘must do’ IMHO.


Excuse me for asking are you the BendanD who lives in London and bought his NPX300 from a guy who lives in Altrincham ?

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I should have bought the 333, 332 and 350’s from him in February. I just could not move funds quickly enough, at the time. I told him, that he owes you a drink, for your strong recommendation of the 300 and his character. :blush:

LOL thanks :slightly_smiling_face: