What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

At the risk of duplicating posts:

Planning to add an npx300 at some point (when I find one at a good price) and will consider nc250 after that

Now for run in….


Ansuz D2 Powerswitch and D2 ethernet is here. Installed and warming up. It’s…big…and heavy. Very good quality feel to start with. Back later.


I replaced my cartridge on one of my turntables from an Ortofon 2M black to the high output MC model from Hana.

I also had the turntable MoT’d by AudioT as they fit the cartridge. Excellent service and a lovely bump in sound quality too.


Come on … how is the first moment?
Big and heavy is PN also :grinning:

I’ve made lots of fiddling moving back to Oephi cables and messing with all ethernet so system needs to settle now. And me too :smile: :man_dancing:

My fiddling should not be a role model … you must also tell the difference between naca and oephi. I like naca :blush:

What cables have you evaluated against naca5?

Only ks1

You compare it to EE8/ Farad I suppose ?
Normally, after 2 hours burn in, there should be a noticeable difference, even if the switch needs 200 hours or more to really open.
First impressions, in my opinion, after 1 hour or two, are the most significant. But my opinion may differ vs yours.

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It’s all used so should be stable in a day or to me think.

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Naca5 is very good. It seems to me 500 series is better match with it than system I had last time I tried. Maybe the 500 amp enjoy longer runs of naca5. After all it’s the cable my 500 was developed and tuned with (2000 model). It is lacking in the top end a bit but it has body, groove, flow that instead is very addictive once you let go of that you need 110% insight into the details music and focus on…music. Anyway, evaluation is ongoing. I will likely change my mind 298 times still. Ansuz sounds very good indeed but the EE8 setup I also have is for sure no slouch.

Ansuz very good … not more? :joy:

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I’m fiddling with speaker cables at the same time. Not good :smile: My first initial impression is NACA5 became BEAUTIFUL with Ansuz where EE8 setup sounded beautiful with Oephi. Reservation - might have to take it back later since there are to many moving targets now. I know my Entreq Olympus + Olympus Ten Tungsten is a very good setup so will stick that into the Powerswitch too. Later.

Will let NACA5 play with Ansuz toys for some time now. Must resist fiddling.

Would also like Super Lumina speaker cables to enter the house… Next on the purchasing list.


Welcome to my my (fiddling) world :blush:
Too many variants … naca5 is very groovy - when powerswitch is transparent and open than it is a perfect match.
The important question is, is it better than ee8 and oephi. If so - you have decided for a new switch. Ethernet cables later.
Or you can mix all up :joy:

I have 30 days to find out which is good indeed :smile:

What did you prefer with naca5 over ks-1?

Tested naca5 against ks1 when I got my 606.
Ks1 was more resolving but a bit less rich sounding. Naca5 was less detailed but more musical with groove and rich texture.
Voices were better with naca5


Just received a pair of Cossor VT60a power tubes, NOS and in perfect condition.

Quite remarkable these are still around… designed in 1937 and manufactured in 1940 for radio comms at altitude and high humidity with their ceramic base for UK soldiers in WW2. Sound beautiful but also quite sobering thinking about all those who relied on them, especially after the recent D-Day anniversary!


I know many say naca5 is very musical and sound just “right”. And I get that and agree. I wonder what that is really. It’s hard to put the finger on as with other things like bass extension, treble, details and such. It’s more of a feeling than being able to describe technically what is going on. Maybe they are what analogue 90s movie is vs 8k hi-def super crisp picture. The later technically better but the 90s movie more romantic and enjoyable. Anyway :slight_smile:

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Fully agree! Naca5 is the only item which is still in my system from my 1990 Olive (72/hicap/250/sbl) system.
Stop… phonosophie no. 3 also! :heart_eyes:

Naca5 has one of the this kind of magic, which is hard to describe - like shunyata sigma :blush:

Thought about this today. While listening to shunyata i sometimes think I miss some Boom the diamond and especially the vodka gave. But this boom is only for the moment. And will stress after a while. Shunyata does all completely musical and without any stress at all. All perfectly arranged.
For example a hi-hat is more prominent with diamond but too much upfront for me. Same with sibilance… but with shunyata… I am a fan.

With naca5 is a bit similar. All my ears!