What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Ansuz D2 is amazeballs now!! Wow :raised_hands: Syatem is doing the schwing :man_dancing::dancer:

Naca5 still in.


With Ethernet cable is in? Ansuz? Entreq?

And come on - describe the difference and fiddle A vs B … yess, you can. :joy:

I don’t fiddle. I drink red wine and listen to jazz :smile: Ansuz switch and cable still in. EE8 looks sad but who knows?

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I drink herbal tea (got a flu :sob:) and listen to Goldfrapp :rofl:

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Cisco 10G SFP+ AOC

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How true.

My dad circa 1942 giving a thermionic valve a few anxious moments.


250DR to replace 110.


EE8 vs Ansuz D2 Powerswitch… :man_shrugging:

And the inside of it.


The tube in the drawing does have similarities to this one. They were made in their millions no doubt and why they’re not the hardest to find.

Is that a caricature drawn back in 1942? a quality piece of work, beautiful line work!


Yes, it was done in 1941 or 42 by dads best mate in REME. It captures him perfectly.

They were engaged in sonic deception, recording the sound of tanks etc, then driving out into the desert and broadcasting the result to confuse Rommel.


Lovely glimpse into the past and no doubt treasured memories it provides as well as being a fantastic piece of art! Thanks for sharing!

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Crikey - £42.74 very well spent including delivery :hushed:

Tidal HiFi sounds surprisingly crisp and full of definition.


nice to see all those precious UTP devices… it is indeed serious money…

In the meantime, I’m enjoying playing my silver discs

Is that being used between your switch and streamer @bnc1863 and is it as flexible as it looks ?

I’m using it between fmc (10Gtek because the Cisco 2960-CG doesn’t support sfp+) and switch (LHY SW-6). Yes, its very flexible. In my setup and to my ears, I would say that this AOC is the “short cut”. I have had a few sfp(s) and they do sound different.


it is something else other than a simple switch ?

I can’t imagine how it can be something special in a switch.

Read about it on their www if interested :+1:

@drago Oephi is back in. Tighter presentation, more inner details, more upper frequencies, more realism. Bit less body and warmth. This with Ansuz D2. Tomorrow I will put in EE8 + Farad + Entreq cables and see what happens.

I believe speaker cables have more to give to find a perfect balance in my setup and to my liking. There are things I really like with Naca5 and really like with Oephi so, something in the middle maybe. Super Lumina? :slight_smile:

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I don’t want to feed anything, but there is nothing as simple as a switch.
I was very skeptical last year and learned that within Ethernet all matters a lot - especially the last switch before the streamer.


Very true. If one have say an NDS and just feed its streaming board directly from a router then you are 100% for sure missing out on what NDS can do.


EE8 is warming up. Tomorrow it’s time to “switch”. Made a short ethernet switch from D2 to Entreq Olympus today. Interesting. I’d say they are bit different but both very good. Nothing has come close to beat my Entreq Olympus + ground box yet. Olympus seems to be bit more relaxed and few steps back from the scene and D2 bit more forward with bit more energy and more close to the performance. This into D2 powerswitch.