What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

@Blackbird Cool - a bit like diamond vs sigma.
Diamond also a bit more upfront and attack and sigma more relaxed and easy plus more 3d.
What do you prefer so far?

I’m not sure in terms of cables. More playtime and fiddling is needed :slight_smile:

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My first pair of IEMs for music. Simgot EA500LM.


Nice box - looks like an LP cover from Jonathan Wilson


Ordered BJC CAT6 to be used between router and switch. They have less capacitance than 6A due to the shield on A. CAT6 has the largest bandwidth of them. Due to the higher capacitance on 6A the 6A can sound bit brighter than 6.

Stirling LS3/5a V3 arrived this morning from Doug. Just playing background music at the moment waiting for them to ‘run in’. Sounding sweet straight off the bat.


What made you switch from your Proac’s?

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I actually sold the ProAc’s some months ago when I purchased some MarkAudio Sota speakers. The MarkAudio’s gave me a bigger sound but I missed the Proac’s delicacy, mid range and the way the portrayed voices. Doug Stirling is retiring and selling his stock direct to consumer at discounted prices so thought I’d give these ago, trying to find that delacy etc.

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Nice, so you prefer sealed box ?
And do you had the possibility to go compare them with the Falcon LS3/5a Golden Badge ?

And the Atalante 3 from revival Audio ? (Not sealed box)

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Nice grain. Matches the cabinet perfectly.

I’d be tempted to make it permanent.


Hi Hififan
I do seem to like a sealed box speaker.

Unfortunately I’ve not compared them to any other LS3/5a’s.

Congratulations! They’re very nice indeed. I believe they are in wild oak veneer, aren’t they? I also ordered a pair in the same finish. Mine have arrived but unfortunately that I’m traveling till June 24th, so cannot have a listen sooner.

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A good price, especially with the upgraded crossovers. Should sound good. Let us know how you get on with some sound impressions after they’ve burnt in.

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Hi Bandit
Yes they are Wild Oak, lovely finish. I will feedback once I have had a chance to listen to them for some time.

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A brand new NAC 282 & NAPSC.


Thank you. Looking forward to your feedback.

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Hi Carruthesesq
And why did you sell your PMC ?

What is the main difference between your Stirling and the 10 you had ?

What about the bass ? (As I don’t like boomy or slow one it’s always tricky for me …yes, not deep but very fast and tight with the 10 Signature who makes pop/rock sounding nice….was not the same with the Harbeth C7Se3)

Still tempted to try Falcon’s but as not available here …could only buy it at high cost….without possibility to demo. So don’t know pro / cons vs Proac 10 S…and the soundstage of the 10s is so good….

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If I can throw in my 2c and in 2 words for each from various a-b and consecutive home auditions - please note this is relative to each other, they are all great - the T10s are a bit brighter, flatter, truthful and lively; The Falcons - more balanced but a bit shouty, vary more with recordings; Stirling V3 - richest, detail, great balance and bass which can be a bit boomy/hollow with some recordings or positioning but the best mid range of all (including btw compared to the P3 Harbeths without sounding unnatural like them). The V3s would be my choice among these.


The PMC’s were great, didn’t do anything wrong, but similar to what I have mentioned above, I missed the intimacy of the ProAc T10’s.

Too early to comment on the differences but will feedback after some time to evaluate. Not having the T10’s here it will be by memory.


How many versions are presently being made of the LS3/5a? I’m aware of Rogers and Falcon. Any considered better/best?

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