What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Musical fidelity have some too, I know they came out relatively recently.

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And Grahams, so I’ve just seen.


Furutech NCF Booster signal-L to hold the awfully heavy Catsnake ethernet cable. It fits fine so I’m happy.


Cardas Clear headphone cable, 3m with 1/4 inch jack.

I needed the 1/4 inch jack for use with my DAVE.

With the LEMO Focal connectors it was a pricy cable, I really had no choice, as the stock 3m cable is XLR.


Seacat77, please let us know your thoughts about the Cardas Clear headphone cable and tell us how it performs compared to the stock cable. Cheers!

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A cute, passive subwoofer.
From the carpenter that made my speakers.


Let there be bass!

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Will use it up to 60hz. Need an Hypex 501 to drive it.

Had two empty shelves on my rack so I’m taking my four-box system up to six boxes.


A pair of ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures arrived today. I’m hoping they’ll make better partners for my Atom than my current B&W 805s Currently burning in 24/7 in the spare room.


Vertere Redline cables
XLR-XLR for 222-250
Speaker cables 2 x 3m.
Arrived today and picked them up from the dealer in SW London, returning the demo sets they kindly let me hang onto for 10 days.
Sounding pretty good straight out of the box - wasn’t expecting that…


wonderful little speaker. I’m sure you’ll love them.

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The stands look really nice. Did you fill them are do they come filled? If not try Kitty Litter. The cheapest clay none clumping unscented stuff. It dampens well with out over damping. Another little bit is to remove the ProAc jumpers and replace with jumpers made of the same speaker cables you use. Enjoy the D2R they take about 300 hours to really open up

Puritan PSM 156. Nice uplift in sq. It’ll be interesting to see how it changes with time. I’m still not satisfied with the system since 252/Supercap DR entered. It’s cleaner, more natural sounding but lacks som warmth and free flow that the old 82/Supercap had. I’m not giving up just yet though.

I won’t go back since the 82 really is “noisy” compared to the 252 but order needs to be restored. I want both clean, sharp, warm and free flowing.

Waiting for the 552 comments😅

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Make your assessment, after it has burned in. :blush:

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My comment about not being fully satisfied is regarding previous changes not the 156. It made it sound better in every way from the get go.

Probably the NDS/252/250DR combination… There will be lots of suggestions for ND555, NAC552, 300DR. Who knows, but might eb worth working with a dealer with a good used stock on some home demos. Weird things happen with system synergy. i was a bit unhappy with the streaming side on my 222/300/250NC (a bit closed in and vocals back in the mix, lacked warmth c/w my Vertere TT/Phono). Was contemplating have to go to a 300 series, but a trial of a cable change (vertere redline XLR - pre-power and speakers) put it absolutely right. Take it slow and try things is the solution…

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Yes I too am experimenting with cables, power supplies for the Lindemann streamer and now also a spectacularly good grounding cable (can’t be bought since it’s a locally produced cable). It connects the 156 to the Puritan ground box. It’s shocking how this cable can change the sound so much.

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You should really go all in for 552! Listen to @igel. There is no in between upgrade between 82 and SC to be made. 552 is magic😎 And don’t oversee non DR. It might actually fit your taste of sound even better.


Same experience here :+1::money_with_wings:

What’s your initial thoughts on LPS on Lindemann Bridge?

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