What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

I guess it must all be system dependent, this ethernet cable lark. Sarum T was tried and sold here.


Yes I notice a difference with the rug in place. I purposely installed it hoping for a cheap uplift and it was worth it. Kind of a more relaxed feel to music now, nothing earth shattering though. I have the underlay underneath also.


As posted elsewhere. NSS 333, NAC 332, NPX300, PMC twenty5.23i & PMC Active Modules. Mogami balanced interconnects and balanced speaker cables.



I think you’re exactly right @GraemeH Ethernet cables seem more system dependent than other cables…

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My wife and I go camping, the back shell over the truck bed makes for a decent dry place to sleep on those occasions. And it is also a good dry spot when shopping or moving things you might not want to get wet, and the cab space is taken up. The shell is removeable as well, if I have something larger to haul.

Sorry all, I didn’t mean to sidetrack the actual Hifi gear thread! :grimacing:


If you have said that your car can carry full Statements, you would be at 100% in the topic :grin:

I believe that it probably could, unboxed/uncrated that is! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I bought a new rug some years ago and it was a big improvement :blush:


A new Power-Line


Stripped the system down and fitted the new socket today. A bit of careful re-dressing of the existing 10mm2 wires ensured it fitted relatively easily into the existing back box.

Whilst everything was apart, I took the opportunity to change the crimped gold plated Z plugs that my KS-1 cable came supplied with. It’s a job I’ve been meaning to do since the 350s arrived back in January…

I’ve fitted the Naim supplied SA8 plugs at the amp end with Deltrons at the speaker end, all soldered with leaded, Wonder solder (lovely stuff, flows so nicely).

Everything cleaned and dusted in the process, so it’s all back together again and warming up nicely with some Pearl Jam.


For non-commercial use it makes no sense to use anything other than leaded solders, and risk to health is small as exposure is limited, and possibly precautions are taken anyway.

In commercial setting and where Health and Safety considerations and liability issues arise the swap to non leaded solder was inevitable, but higher temperature and more difficult to use, and suspicion of an increase risk of so called ‘whiskers’ do not count in its favour.

Try proper lead free for yourself, particularly the eutectic lead solder, and the soldering experience will be evident.

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I decided last week to upgrade my previous Chord Odyssey 2 speaker cable. Had it for over 15yrs. My dealer was happy to take it as a trade-in against Chord EpicX.
Dealer is definitely a hifi enthusiast and last month he gave me a demo of the Chord EpicX XLR interconnect against the std Xlr that the NSC222 comes with. The std cable is great but the Epic has a fuller sound with more top end sparkle. He swapped between both cables a number of times and you could clearly hear the difference. Nice looking cable with a silver finish.

So this morning everything was ready for pickup and I drove the 120km to get the equipment.
He fitted Chord Ohmic plugs to the speaker cable and it all looked great.
I decided to add both cables at the same time and now its a waiting game until they’ve burnt in.


Likewise use these, have done for ages. Solid choice.

I thought it just came with a PowerLine Lite?


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You are correct.


Looks really good! After reading many of @Skeptikal 's posts, I have stripped my system back to basics and I have to say the sound improved with every component I removed (ethernet switches, linear power supplies, expensive ethernet cables, expensive interconnects etc.).

My mains extension block is the final frontier! I have purchased all the bits I need to also make one of these; but, I am unsure how to wire it correctly. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of the posts you mention? Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:

ps. thanks for all the advice you share @Skeptikal. My system has never sounded so good!


I was lucky enough to pick up some very well looked after Epix X speaker cable on eBay and I must admit it is a great sounding cable. For me, the Epic range is the sweet spot in the Chord line up. It is a significant improvement over the ranges below it; but the ones above it are only an incremental step up for a lot more money.

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Many thanks to you for support.
I’m delighted that pure and simple really does do the trick and over complicated just looks impressive but puts far too much in the way.
Boutique cables are just that “ handbags “.
I try my best to help and have nothing to gain but the satisfaction of hard earned shared.
Best Wishes. :+1:t2:


After having owned lots of the aforementioned cables and then doing an A/B test with the standard Naim ‘violet’ I was astonished that if anything the sound quality improved and was a lot warmer. Removing the expensive ethernet switch, ethernet cable and various other unnecessary addons made an even bigger difference!

I have 1Gb broadband so I don’t even have an ethernet cable going into my NDX2 anymore, I just use the WiFi antennas. You only need ethernet if your wifi is not strong enough to carry the file size…for me, that really does show the whole switch/power supply/ethernet cable market is a real hussle (and that is coming from someone who has owned very expensive versions of these)…


Here is mine wired I have two together but this is the wiring for One.
Use at least 1.5mm2

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