What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Thanks again for these, very helpful.

What cable are you using to wire these?

Hi it’s.
Doncaster 3 Core Rubber Flexible Cable
3183TRS 1.5mm2 Black.
Google that description and it comes up.
“ITS” you can order different lengths.

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Thanks, that is helpful. By the way, unless I am mistaken, it looks like you have your fuse the wrong way round in the plug :+1:





Yes, but it sounds better the other way. ( see fuse direction thread).
But here I am joking.

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Sorry, I thought I was being helpful. I retract my message if I have accidently stumbled onto a long running debate I knew nothing about :-/

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No problem, that sort of debate would be out of topic here, and few people are aware of the thread in question.

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Don’t worry - fuse direction, cables, Ethernet cables etc etc… Endlessly debated.

Easy to try fuse direction for yourself if you’re so inclined :grinning:

You forgot to include the orientation of the kit relative to the compass.


Light fuse and stand back!

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Luckily this plug and lead are not powering any Naim equipment so the fuse orientation is not a cause for concern!


Lejonklou Gaio 2.4 MM phono stage. Delivers a really nice sound!


Oephi Reference are now in. And now gentleman we are talking a sensational moment compared to Immenanse. WOW! No speaker cable I’ve had come even close to this. @drago You have not heard your system until you put these in… Dynamics and PRaT is crazy. Bandwidth is like open flow top to deepest bottom with such an ease to it never sounding hard or harsh. Is this what Chord Music is doing maybe?


It’s been a quiet 2024 for me so far as I’ve had other priorities, but I’ve just replaced my Aria with an Alllnic Phono stage. Along with finally getting a Karousel for the LP12. It’s a big step forward from where I was at sound wise.


yes, exactly what I would say is key for ChordMusic as well - total easiness, flow and coherence

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This has a Price Point as well i think. Wird 2x 6m which i Need :smirk:

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Sell your stocks and socks :+1:

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Fun gone missing.
Show canceled.


Jup, 1983 - a reference to the original Nait