What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

To go with the Redlines on my Hegel Viking, picked up 2 pairs of Redlines for my Michell Orbe yesterday. I was using the standard SME to phonostage leads and Naim Lavender from phonostage to SN2.
The uplift in SQ was palpable even straight out of the box, i’m really exited and can’t wait for what they sound like after 100 hours or so of use.


Are you enjoying the Viking I’m really interested in these and it would be top of my list as a cd player.

Yes Pete, i am enjoying it immensely. I had intended to get a Rega Isis and did trial one at home for a week. My dealer though insisted that i also try the Viking and i’m very glad that i did. As a pure redbook player i think it outshines the Isis in many ways. It’s much more musical and once you settle down for a listening session you just can’t stop :smile: When i auditioned it at home i was using Naim Lavender rca to din and was blown away by the sq and PRAT. About a month latter, again on dealer advice, i tried the Vertere Redline’s…they just took things up another couple of levels and were nearly as big an uplift as going from the CD5 XS to the Viking in the first place.
I would very much recommend having a home trial with the Viking, you wont want to send it back :smile:



Big birthday so Mrs twofifty convinced me to part with my Lingo 1 of 30 odd happy years service and replace with an ex demo Radikal 2 - I had been worried by the rituals some users went through before bobbing a record on the deck. The motor & tacho thingy are brand new & the power supply bit as new. I was pleased with the deal & dealer (new to me) who came to the house to install & I’m equally pleased with the upgrade which, with the Karousel I had fitted earlier in the year, confirm for me that the LP12 remains the one to beat & the source is the place to invest. Happy days.


Maybe a nice picture, in the way of “physical evidence” for this big birthday event ?

In the meantime, hope you’re having lots of fun playing vinyl records.
Best wishes


Exactly what I have. Superb.

Needless to say I felt unable to push the boat right out and buy the Radikal 2 housed in the solid ingot of aluminium. Fortunately the standard box is closer in looks to Naim kit than the super Radikal I think. So, after a bit of a flurry, I’m done. I don’t like upgrading but I got left behind whilst my daughter’s were growing up so I’ve been catching up on ‘maintenance’ of the deck. Karousel & Radikal (as many have said on here) really do work (at a price).


Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Nice “peek” of Olive in the corner too.


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Which I’m listening to just now. More 30 year plus equipment. Things which felt really expensive at the time seem an absolute bargain after 30 odd years of use.


Finally got this (Cisco AOC) recently

and the “improvements” in SQ are not subtle at all - more of everything. Just ensure your switch supports sfp+.


Nice, I thought they were only used in data centres! :rofl:

there too :joy:

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I’m interested that it makes a difference though. I have a high end Asus router, which has a few 10Gbps ports. I have tried them on my NDX2; but stopped in the end as even when I plug it into a 1Gb port, the router keeps telling me the connection is not optimized and has data transfer rates lower than 1Gb. I’m assuming that means the NDX2 has a lower capacity network card?

ps. I have a 1Gb broadband connection and get that level of connection on my PC.

Typically good streamers use 100Mb

Now in situ, one on the HE and one on the 222;

Definitely worth it IMHO.



Scratching an itch, Hifi Rose RS130. Even stone cold and in its temporary location with cheap cables its comvinced me its staying


Townsend Podiums have arrived,not sure I have time to set them up today though.:grinning:




Hopefully the Podiums don’t squeak when you step on em…

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