What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

No idea, maybe they’ll get those features with a special edition lol.

The Super Beaks should be amazing @frenchrooster , I’m sure they would give me a hyper real soundstage. If only I could find a couple to try! Hopefully they are not too heavy for my speakers.

@HungryHalibut an idea for the marketing department at Entreq!

@paulbysea good solution, hopefully you won’t get too many scratches on the cabinet. Results might change accorging to the cat’s diet.

@kitfit1 that’s a classy solution and quite versatile as well. Who knows how things might change with a different wine or maybe champagne. A proper test is needed!

Of course not, it’s Pikachu.


No, I’ve never tried them. I’m picking up my upgraded LP12 on Thursday, so might ask about them then. The reviews on the Totem forums have been pretty mixed, probably due to room factors I expect.

Or depending on which Totem speakers you own, it can be difficult to get them to stay put…:wink::sweat_smile:


Yes, I was wondering about that. I’ve the Forest Signatures on my main system and they tilt back slightly, so I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Anyway, they sound great as they are.

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Okey - sorry. I am more into ghibli, than pokemon :nerd_face:

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Enjoy, certainly one of the biggest upgrades I have made, transformational

( all the usual my room,system etc etc).
Look forward to your findings.


Excellent. They do come up at around the £50 price point. I got a Chord Cobra 2 a few years ago for that. So I am now looking for a DIN to 2 x RCA for another wee task.

There is one available but it is a DIN to 4 x RCA, so I am unsure it that makes a difference, 2 of the RCAs will be left dormant. Mind you it is selling for £34.99! I think I will expand my search, one will turn up.

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I did see exactly that, on eBay UK, recently.

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Yes, I have just found a couple. One is from the same seller where I got my first one.

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A couple of Cobras…?

Yes, Cobras :slightly_smiling_face:
Auction ends in 2 days

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:snake: :snake:

I have a Black Cobra, in DIN5 to 2 Phono, for my Rega Ear headphone amp.

What I saw on eBay was a Chrysalis in the same config (DIN5 to 2 Phono) - but I don’t think its listed now.

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You’ve got more interesting gear to think about. By the way I’m led to believe that the Beaks will perform differently according to room factors. I’ve already tried to optimize my room with panels and I believe that’s why I can properly appreciate what these Beaks do.

I forgot that your Signatures are tilted back, I do wonder how they can be stable on the top of the cabinet. By the way let me know if you decide to have a go. I was skeptical at first about but I do believe they enhance the Totem character (which I highly appreciate of course; by the way it depends if you look for a more analytical presentation too).

Totem forums? Where are they? I’ve never found any (I can only think of one in Facebook).

Ah, yes, it’s the Facebook groups I meant. There are a couple of them.

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Dynavector P75 mklll for my DV20X2L :smile:

I am looking forward to see what it brings compared to the boards in my 32.5.

However when I got the Royal Mail email that my parcel was delivered I was not impressed! I was out the front doing a spot of weeding when the claimed delivery took place :rage:

It had indeed been delivered, but to the wrong address. Fortunately I knew where it was, only 2 minutes away, as this has happened before! Royal Mail come on. :confounded:

Any alls good now, just need to get the little fella plugged in.


I got the podiums set up a few hours ago. The first thing I will say is that this would definitely be easier to do with two people.:cry:
I need to spend more time listening, but first impression is VERY positive. Sound now seems to make more sense, and float in the air, completely detached from the speakers themselves. Head is bobbing, feet are tapping.:heart_eyes:


4 new black boxes, 300 series. They kick some serious ass! :grin:


They look awesome :+1:

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Thanks for the impressions. I use 11+ year old Epic Twin Reference on my Kudos T505 which I guess is similar to the newer Epic X. Based on your comments do you feel it’s an unequivocal upgrade in every respect? I’ve been wanting to do a cable upgrade and was considering Sarum T but the pricing here in Aus is absurd. Maybe grabbing some Super Lumina second hand would be better.

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