What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

“Sound now seems to make more sense, and float in the air, completely detached from the speakers themselves”

This was my experience also,together with improved soundstage and inner detail.

Very pleased for you,exciting times

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Congratulations to a beautiful system (audio and looks).

I really like the looks of the new classic. I have only owned Naim electronics for about 4 years so I’m not emotionally attached to the green lights. Therefore I prefer black and white, just like a smoking or tuxedo…

I have switched from ND5 XS2 to the 333 about two months ago. Next step will be getting the 332 and use my SN3 as a power amp until I can get either NC 250 or NC 350 to drive the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 2.


Too good a price to resist. New NAIT 5si. What’s not to like?


Thanks! I had 222/300/250 and I probably sound like a broken record, but I cannot emphasize how much of a change the 350s make. When I did the testing, the monoblocks lifted the 222/300 system to another level and I could’ve stayed with that combo no problems, but when I tried all 300 I was so impressed that I traded in everything. Be sure to check them out!


Normal For Naim.


Yeah. Some say source first but 222/300 is already that good that 350s make it sing. Of course everyone should try it before accepting my experience.


Hi @Taake, it’s obviously difficult to predict how any upgrade will sound in a particular system and room. If buying used there is always the option os selling on with minimal loss.

I’d say the difference between the EpicX and SL is quite profound . The SL brings a significant increase in leading edge sounds and micro percussive details like the sound of fingers / pick/ bow on strings, piano pedals moving etc. I like that level of detail but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. For me it brings that “performer in the room” feeling.

At the moment my cables are not run in and there I’d say there is a slight hardness to the sound. Having trialled a run in pair earlier, I’m confident that will change.

The SL certainly isn’t harsh, far from it, but it lays everything in the mix bare. Everything is unravelled and instruments are clearly defined. If you want warm and cosseting sound then it probably isn’t for you though, so I can see why to some people and in some rooms / systems it may take things in the wrong direction.

I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to recommend SL with power amps at the 250 / 300 / 500 level. It’s a cliche but if it were a blind test, if I was told the amp had been upgraded, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Clearly a home demo would be best, but in your situation that’s not an option.

Hope that helps. It’s obviously only my opinion and my ears, but I’ve tried to be as objective as I can.


That’s a very thorough and well outlined rundown. Cheers. I do indeed look for clarity and getting closer to the “performer in the room” ideal as you put it so they seem to be well balanced in that regard. Will keep an eye out for a well-priced pair in future.

It could have been a SupercapDR and an upgrade to the new Dynaudio Contour Legacy just as easily, but it wasn’t. :laughing:


Ever wish you picked a couple of cheaper hobbies?

Nice bike 8)


I will

My first thought was that 250 is enough with the 350 being too powerful. When comparing, before starting the ongoing upgrades, I compared 200 series, 300 series components and Supernait 3 combinations (and NDX 2 with Supernait 3 to see if that was enough…). I quickly heard that 333 and 332 (of course…) was so much better than 222 that I entered the 300 path, having heard both of these alternatives with 250.

I have now been convinced I need to try the 350. Much more money, but that would “only” mean saving for a longer time. It may be worth it.

After this investment I can’t see myself making any such investment again in a looooong time. I simply cannot afford or justify that. Better make it right when I do it…


Mate, I’m just grateful every day I don’t fancy boats.


Do you prefer the acrylic plastic in the middle section as well?:thinking:

That’s the only part that is not super. But the black and white really is an uplift. And also, for me, no balance control is a plus. For me that one cause more problem than benefits, so to say.

But everyone is entitled to his / her own opinion. I can understand people that have been with the brand for a long time may feel let down. On the other hand - most things in our houses, in the world, look different now than they did 20-30-40 years ago. So maybe they actually needed to do something for the new customers that are around the corner to be attracted by the photos of their electronics…

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Having owned Naim since the CB days I would say the NC range is the best looking yet. But I can see why people might feel differently as it is a big step away from the Olive and Classic range look.

They just arrived, everything about these cables oozes quality. They are practically brand new so I’m a very lucky boy. I have to finish some urgent work but I’ll set them up and report back later on :+1: The guy I purchased from was a really nice bloke and had got a great deal himself on a used pair of Chord Music at the same length, so I feel less bad about the price I paid now :grin:


As my friend Felipe put it “That boat makes a hole in the water into which I throw my money”


In that case, it would have been interesting to see how it would have looked with the black acrylic together with the lavish surface treatment that was used in the past and which was also used on Statment. As it is now, the whole creation gives a bit of a cheap impression. Unnecessary and a shame imo.

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Stack Audio Smoothlan. 30 Day trial why not.