What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

As a fellow T505 owner I look forward to your impressions.

I hope I can pick up two of these today.


I went from TQ Black to KS-1 to SL speaker cables and each step was an improvement to my ears.

I did enjoy the TQ cable with PMC speakers though. Not so much with Kudos hence the change(s).


I am leaving Naim amplification for now. I recently changed from 82/Supercap to 252/Supercap DR and feel personally that I’ve reached roads end. Next obvious step is of course the 500-series but I’m not too Shure about them. Haven’t heard them and can’t since I don’t have a dealer near by. I’ve heard the new classic 333/332/250 at a dealers and thought they sounded good but didn’t think it was worth it, to try at home that is. Maybe I should have but on the other hand, what I did demo made quite an impression this time around. The difference being, now we didn’t use Naim powerlines and We added the PSU-1250. I must say I was sold pretty fast. It’s now on order the Goldnote preamplifier P-1000 with the external PSU the PSU-1250 and the amplifier PA-1175. Who knows in a few years or even month I might regret this move and come crawling back to the very good Naim amplifiers. I still have the NDS and am most likely going to stay here on this magnificent forum continuing to try to make you all by Neotech cables😂


Congratulations :smiley: I hope it’s not gonna be months cause that will be an expensive journey :see_no_evil:


Yes I hope I’m going to be satisfied and think so.


Not really gear, but I recently bought speaker bases made of sandstone. The impact is quite astonishing:
Bass much more precise, deeper and articulate. But it´s not just the bass, I rather have the feeling the music overall is more dynamic, faster (better timing?), cleaner, less artifacts. The music feels larger and floating more stable in the room.
Very pleased with the result.


Nice speakers!

Big drivers give life to the music.


Now those are proper speakers :sunglasses:

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Would love to hear those :heart_eyes:


I bought these PMC’s back in July. These speakers punch well above their size.


Yes, sir, they do!:sunglasses:


That’s what I call a speaker.

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Here we have a name for it : armoire normande.


Not to my taste so the word from me would be, hideous. Though, it does look like a very good piece of furniture and I am sure many would love to have it in their home.


Picked up the JBL 18" drivers. They are only 4,5kg each. Made for touring, thats why the low weight. In good shape.

I will be using them in boxes around 250L in our next living room.


To which post you refer Paul ?

Frankly, in my experience, the 250DR holds back the 252/SCDR. It really takes off with the weight and insight of 300DR and is a beast with the faster more rhythmic (albeit lighter sounding) NC250


Yes I tested it with the Goldnote 1175. It was much better than with the 250DR.

The one above my post.

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