What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Then I hope you post your 252 at the same price you gave :wink:

interesting. Did you audition a 222/300 instead? the 222/300/NC250 is a great combo but needs optimisation of ethernet, interconnects and power leads to sound its best.

I thought about a 222/300 - but didn’t audition. The cost of those (used) would be around £7.5-8k - which is roughly what I paid for the NDX2, 252 and Supercap. A couple of things put me off the 222; there would be no place for the nDAC (and I really like the sound of that) and the 222 has no balance control. My usual listening position is slewed to the left of the speakers so I have the balance on the 252 cranked over to the right to compensate.

I didn’t even tell the whole story. Because there is some debate in these columns as to whether the 282 or 252 is the better preamp, I bought a 282 too. To my ears it sounded pretty much the same as my old 82 (but looked nicer). The 252 is a step up so I’m keeping that and putting the 282 back on the market.

I even considered scrapping power amps altogether and trying out some active ATC 20s (40s would be too big for my room). But my ears are tuned to ProAcs. The permutations are endless. I’m very happy with the new kit and I’ll live with it for a long time (say, a year) before considering any more moves (332/300 anyone?).


Sounds like a good choice for you. I have owned the same set up but with Mac Min/audirvana rather than NDX2 and NAP300 in the past and agree the NDAC and 252 is sweet.

Does the 222 not have the same digital balance control as the uniti series? I assumed it would, like you do to my positioning I need a balance control which is part of what made me choose Naim over other options. I do agree that ndac is great and I wouldn’t want to be without it.

Ansuz A2 Speakz on trial. New so they need plenty of play time.


It does, just not a physical one.

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I didn’t know about the digital balance control. So, in a 332/333 setup (thinking ahead), is that a function of the streamer or the preamp (or both)?

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The NSC 222 has a balance control in the Naim app.

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very interested in your impressions. i have x2s and am so impressed i haven’t moved up the ansuz ranks yet.

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Sounds very promising but they of course need many hours to sound at their best. My first Ansuz speaker cables so I have no reference to other Ansuz models.

I see you have the new Ansuz D3 switch. I bet it sounds amazing (I have D2).

the d3 switch is specracular. i listen exclusively to streaming, maybe the best investment ever.

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Agree, it’s an awesome box :+1:

What optimisation is that?
A further optimisation would also be 555DR PS!

So much better than the Unitiserve I had for 11 years!


As mentioned some weeks ago, I had ordered an Innuos PhoenixUSB Reclocker. Well, it finally arrived last week and has been integrated into my system. Gotta say, I like what it does. Better sense of space and openness. Happy with the results.

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Bought 2 new covers for my QB2’s but unfortunately I was obviously on drugs and ordered the wrong colour, doh. A bit disappointed but the peacock definitely looks better than the boring brown that’s standard.


They should look okay on a Muso though….

Mrs Pete hates the colour and tbh I don’t like much either. But it was my fault.

It’s a bit annoying that the Muso’s only come with that boring brown and it’s costs you $150 to replace it with something more appealing, surely there wouldn’t be any difference in materials costs.

Also hate to admit I did purchase them from A2A at half price.


I expect that hurt :flushed: