What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Ive just sold mine but i agree, a cracking bit of kit for the cost

I see you have the plus, you tried the various filter options?

I had a very quick and ignorant play with room correction but turned it off, can’t exactly say it was a scientific experiment and the results were deservedly poor given my effort.

I agree, tried room correction and it defo does what it says on the tin but I didn’t
like it. One of the presets (Jazz, vocal?, can’t remember) works pretty well in my room but otherwise I leave it alone. It plays into a Chord Qutest anyway, so I think ‘raw’ is best…

Ahh, filters disabled if using digital out from it, only in play for RCA output, and then it’s about 7 choices of steep, fast , slow various roll offs.

Not going to pretend I know the science but on two totally different Dacs I prefer slow roll off as opposed to sharp or step, can’t remember exact terminology.

Another ps for my Nds. Should be here in around 1 week.
Power black cable to go with it.


Naim or other brand?

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Sorry, I lost my fingers recently, and Siri doesn’t work.

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So far this cable has amazed me and it’s still not fully burned in. It has the naim groove but lots more inner details and top end, yet never sounding harsh or bright. It’s very musical to my ears. When I emailed with Ansuz they talked very good about Naim and the guy owned naim in his private home. Ansuz do make specific naim DIN cables for example. To my ears Ansuz have been a great match with Naim, both my Powerswitch D2 and D2 ethernet as this A2 Speakz cable.

What is your opinion on X2? What did you have prior to it?

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And when you compare to oephi?

Testing in full swing. Final conclusions need to wait until my testing is done :blush:But both are great cables indeed.

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Good grief, that sounds very bad, are you okay?

i had a naim system before my switch to aavik, ansuz. when i made the switch i changed everything at once, so any comparison to the naca5 cables used previously would be unfair.

i find the x2 speaker cables similar to what your describing. lovely details, no harshness, tight controlled but still very real bass, midrange as it should open clean, dare i say rich, just so musical, terrific soundstage too. absolutely no complaints but then i can say this about the entire aavik, ansuz components and cables i have just beautiful clean very realistic and musical to my ears.

customer for life.

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Be assured, all is ok. Just a joke to say that I can’t respond at the question, for the reasons you know…


It’s the imperfections in a room on the music that give the live in the room illusion. To some degree, over treating a room has the same problem. It can get clearer and more neutral and yet less realistic sounding the further you go. Your brain knows how something should sound if it eminated within the room.


Just picked up a Pro-Ject Debut Pro with Pick-it cartridge and an IfI Zen phono amp to replace my 30 year old Pro-ject 1. The Pro-Ject comes with the enhanced High Power IT power supply. Time now to run it in!
Rest of the system is Naim Uniti Star, Focal Aria 926 with Witch Hat speaker cable, interconnects are Chord and the TT sits on a venerable, but still very workable, Mission Isoplat


Can you tell what it is yet?


Hicap DR….

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Ok a CB Hicap that’s been DR’d…

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A CB Hicap DR.

One of two reportedly created by a dealer.
If anyone on here has the other one let me know.