What was the last bit of gear you bought?

I’m really loving them. Gone is the slight bass hump I noticed on the previous version and the treble is more extended. The speaker is just more live sounding. Perfect for Naim. And that soft dome tweeter never gets fatiguing and delivers the sweetest treble.

I would say they are my favourite Harbeths. But I haven’t heard the 40.1/2/3. Although I should mention that I have an affinity for smaller speakers

Btw I did really enjoy the bass hump on 30.2 Annies. Just always knew that it was not ‘neutral’ lol


They must sound fantastic!

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Indeed they do. A very fast speaker. Especially for a ported design.

Chord Etude… lovely power amp, very happy :blush:


I have the same Panasonic as yours :grin:, great uhd player :ok_hand:


This weekend I built (assembled) a Purifi EVAL1 stereo power amplifier to sit behind my Atom. I am very happy with the result. I documented the build process. Link:: Purifi EVAL1 Ghent case kit build instruction


Yes, i also managed to play difficult discs like The Saint series i mentioned above.

Do you simply use an RCA -> XLR cable to hook it up to your Atom?

And of course the important question, how does it compare to the Atom’s power amp?

Yes, I use Canare RCA --> XLR cables between the Atom and the Purifi power amplifier. That works well. The amp is dead silent when not playing music. No hiss, no hum, nothing. The Atom is a great pre-amp, but that I knew already from the time I played with the NAP200.

Compared the the built-in power amp of the Atom, the sound is cleaner, more silent and more dynamic. The difference is quite clear. However, I can imagine there are also people that prefer the sound of the Atom power amp as that sound is a bit more relaxed and less ‘in your face’. But if you love to hear (even) more detail, clarity and spaciousness the Purifi amp is a great addition.

The Purifi amp is still settling in, so I expect the sound to become a bit more relaxed in the coming weeks.





How the Epic digital is?

Difficult to say in isolation. What I will say is that the system has a real synergy about it, and the sound quality is I am sure still improving and the NDX2/EE switch and cables run in. I never thought I would have a system this good!


I ask you this because I am undecided whether or not to buy this digital cable (the other cables are epic rca-din, snaic and naca5 / tellurium silver 2).
To be honest, I am a bit confused about how much it is right to spend on a digital cable (between cd and dac mechanics), ie if to consider it as superior, below or on par with the analog cable (from dac to pre).

I can only tell you that my naim dealer recommended the EE switch and epic cable as a good match


I look at it a different way. There is no rule on what to spend on a cable.

But say you’ve got $5000 to spend. You could buy a cable, you could buy a power supply and a cable, you could buy a new source, etc. If your goal is to improve the system, you listen to some combinations and figure out which delivers the best result. You might decide none of it makes any difference and save $5k, equally you might decide you need to wait until you’ve got $10k :slight_smile:


I have limited experience with digital cables having compared 3 pairs in my system many years ago. The cables connect the DAC to the CD player. I couldn’t hear much if any difference between those digital cables. One is an XLO Signature, the other two is either Canare or Belden.

Personally I would put the money on interconnects, speaker cables and power cords. My latest experience with power cords is a revelation.


How long will that last?

I just have 4xAA which are 2550mAh and they are onto their 4th day without recharging.

Btw do you know if it is safe to turn off the clean side power when not playing?

You ought to give a listen to a few Shunyata Cords

Hi well as for the battery after a week i checked the voltage and it was to 6.25 down from 6.44 so by that i can get 10/14 day’s from it.
As for removing the power from the clean side i power the pi down then remove the power from the dirty side then the clean side no problems at all.
Hope that helps.

Perhaps sometime in the near future I’ll look at Shunyata. I’ve just got the Acrolink Mexcel cord.