What was the last bit of gear you bought?

And it will just get better as it beds in.

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I went from 282 with HiCap then SuperCapDR, to 252 and then to 552 but kept my 250DR all they way through.

Ive been thinking about getting one if these. Is it any good?

Sony CDP-K1 - this is the most fun peice of Hifi kit I have ever purchased.

On the one hand you have a vintage CD karaoke machine, with two mic inputs you sing along to your favourite CD’s, here we have my son singing along to ‘the bends’ and my daughter singing ‘kids bop’…

That’s the fun but. The really cool thing is that when using it just as a CD player, you can use the voice cancellation button to greatly reduce vocals on a CD. Listening to Radiohead tracks like ‘airbag’ or ‘paranoid android’, by reducing the main vocals, all the background music suddenly is amplified and when the guitar sections come in they hit like a sledgehammer. It’s mind blowing! It is quite spectacular to hear songs you know so well, presented in a totally different way. £50 well spent!!


That does look like fun!

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i do like it very much, especially for the price.

it is reasonably quiet, you can listen to music, while it is doing its job and the records are extremly clean.

much less clicking and pops afterwards.

and the look is always good for a joke. :grimacing:

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Thank you kevster, Looks like a dealer visit is on the cards.

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It quietens Thom Yorke? :+1:

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Only temporarily, he comes back at night to whisper in your ear.

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Hi david,
How does the Epic i.c sound compared to the Hi Line (assuming you used it before)?

no, I didn’t use the hi-line in comparison, I bought the epic based on the recommendation and advice of several people and dealers, and for “uniformity” I took both the digital and analogue cables. Since buying the cd transport and dac I have used a cheap (but very good for the price, in my opinion) digital audioquest and an analogue Rca-Rca nordost red dawn that I haven’t compared to the epic Rca-Din …


I used some old empty VHS video boxes to raise the speaker wire off the carpet and was super surprised at the difference it made. Much clearer sound.

…Not a fan then :wink:

Just in time for tier 4 lockdown!

You’d get better SQ from using Betamax boxes. :yum: I always hated the poor sound quality on VHS.


Plus empty Betamax boxes are easier to find, most video clubs were full of them. :wink:



Like Radiohead.
Apart from Thom’s whiny bedwetter vocals…


Have you heard Rosey Carney’s full cover of ‘the bends’ album?.. resolves that issue completely :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t really care what anyone thinks but for a vinyl system a RCM it about the single best upgrade you can make in my opinion. Mine made a massive difference to the sound on some records, from almost unlistenable to pretty damn good, I’m sure you’ll find the same.

Yours is very similar to my home made jobbie


Hi Kev,

What are your impressions of the Karousel?

Thanks Prem.

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