What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Sorry Kev Ignore my question. I read through the rest of the thread now!

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A Chord Mojo to test against the ifi Zen Dac. It will be fed by the Auralic Aries Mini.
Also to try with some NOS Phillips Fidelio X2 these are the earlier UK built ones and my first decent headphones ever as I’m not a huge fan of them but so far these reasonably priced open backed ones are sounding pretty good.

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Ordered a JCAT M12 Switch GOLD;


Ooh, I get to say 808s and a 500 :grin:, and a bit of fraim


Project box ds2 cd transport. Bought as a bit of fun really to see how it sounds through the m scaler; actually pretty good so far, not sure I can tell the difference between that and the Innuos. For some strange reason I can’t add a photo?

Apogee Aurigas

My latest Purchase. Apogee Auriga On Wall Ribbons for HT#2 at my Mountain Retreat. Got them off the Bay in great shape. The power amp is an Adcom GFA 555 which was my father’s, circa 1985. Use the Toslink out from the TV and run it thru a Toslink to d/a with volume control to the Adcom. Have Sat TV and a dvd/cd player going into the Samsung 55, and use it for source selection.

Its pretty sweet right now, and the sound is very nice. They have 6 1/2 inch woofers and 3/4 inch ribbons for the top, crossed over in the midrange. I just love putting together legacy systems and remarkable how well they sound with a little bit of new tech. At some point I may add a streamer.


I just filled my cars trunk with a nice box:

A pair of white GURU Q10 loudspeakers directly from Sweden. A Christmas present to myself …


Be interested to know how you find them. I ordered some but had some problems along the way (at the Swedish end) so pulled the plug.

Photos and comments please!


As it appears a lot on here it would be foolish not to try it before going to more expensive options.


Thinking of this for my office set up as well… Be interested to hear what you think…

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An inexpensive way to stream almost any local or online source with a user-friendly interface. It might not be up to ND555 levels of rendition, but bare or even as a transport into a DAC I think it offers excellent value for money.

The convenient size also matches CB shoebox kit very well.


new headphone amp


Totally agree…fantastic first streamer… even the DAC inside is no slouch.
The Bluesound app is very good too.


You can’t go wrong with the node 2i. Bought mine a year ago as an interim solution for getting Tidal on my main (non Naim) system. With no rack space available it sits happily on the preamp. Very acceptable SQ although I may dabble with a Quest.

WiFi is rock solid despite being 2 rooms away from the router - better than my Star which is in the router room. The Bluos app is well designed and very stable with good Tidal & Qobuz integration.


For the office system… (Mac/Roon-DAC-v1-Ruark MR-1 2). And I bet no pun intended on the cable box at all…


ND5XS2 & SN3. Christmas came a bit early I guess. I’ve been saving for years for a Naim upgrade. It seemed like the right time as we’re all going to be home for a while longer yet and winter has set in.


I’ve bought this; a Rega tungsten counterweight. I like the fact that it’s tiny and, not being shiny, it has a sort of stealthy look. Whether it improves the sound I don’t know, but it’s well worth the £40 I paid for it on eBay, to me anyway.


That doesn’t look like a 6 Nigel :thinking:

I’m good with the hacksaw.

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A jigsaw sawly? (Sic)