What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Here’s the rest of it. Actually, it is the last thing I bought as I got it yesterday, whereas the counterweight came last week. It’s just lovely.


My RP6 looks very dated in comparison.

Very nice, congratulations! The more I look at the P8 the more I like it.

A bit of ‘Stones gracing the RP8 Nigel?


Thank you, @anon27418182!

Of course, I will post some impressions and experiences after first extensive listening sessions.

I just recognized that the box photo was really ugly. So I have thrown the Gurus on the sideboard to their new buddy, the Uniti Atom. Oh, they are looking so lovely, don’t they? The real journey is starting tomorrow: Detail placing and adjusting. But after only one our warming up I have to say: I am really and deeply amazed by their sound and performance.

So far so good. Here a little pic from their new home. (The stands question will get answered in January or so …)


Yes, it’s a super little thing and sounds great. I’m really pleased with it.


Not on topic or could be? Thanks to a nice dealer in Aldridge I have a nac 282 on home demo for the xmas period. so out go’s the 32.5 for a xmas rest, system is now 282,hi cap dr and bd nap 160. So far the 282 is sounding very good, much more open sound stage and better control top to bottom. It’s early days and the 282 will need to warm up so will see how it develops.


Just received the Audience 24U SX speakers cables.
A delight, already just after 5 hours run in. They replace Apertura tiny cables I had since 10 years, which were already an upgrade over the Naca 5, for my ears at least.
Now these Audience gave more depth, more details and clarity. Great dynamics and prat .
The biggest change I notice for now are voices, which are more present, have more space and realism.


Glad to hear you like them. I’d only add they do everything you mentioned while staying amazingly musical and natural sounding.

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Audioquest Monsoon. Sounds lovely on my 300DR and fits the IEC socket even better than Naims Powerline. Like a glove.


Some portable sounds for kitchen and garden.

Sounds quite decent and gives me choice of fm/dab and internet radio, Tidal and Spotify built in and picked up my server on upnp first time of asking. Remarkably it doesn’t drop my WiFi network and need rebooting from time to time either, unlike the 272…



What is it?

Santa came early this year. Let‘s see, what the hype about this headphone amp/ DAC is all about.

Merry christmas to all you guys contributing to this forum, which always is a source of information, inspiration and simply good fun.

Best wishes from Germany,


I love Thomann, i’ve bought so much through them over the last two decades. My latest addition is this Elektron Model Cycles FM synth / drum computer:


The mother of all audiophile network switches.

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Cool….I want one!

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Nice, get one!

€4165 for a network switch, ok…

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I wonder what the standard industrial switch cost before it entered the Audiophile world…

Not really a bit of kit, but a new cover for the turntable that just so happens to fit perfectly over the Fraim glass. Just need to fashion a few bumpers from some rubber U channel…
