What was the last bit of gear you bought?

And what switch it replaces? How the improvement ?

Sorry Richard.

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Haven’t got it yet, just ordered it.

Haven’t got a switch at the moment. Now it’s router—>ethernet cable—>StarTech Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Media Converter—>fiber optic cable—>StarTech Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Media Converter—>ethernet cable—>Klimax DSM/2 Katalyst.

Already a huge improvement from connecting the Klimax DSM/2 Katalyst straight to the router with a single ethernet cable.

The M12 Switch GOLD will come between the second StarTech Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Media Converter and the Klimax DSM/2 Katalyst.

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What cover is it? my existing screw together one is starting to break up and will need a drop of chloroform to repair but I’m open to replacing it with something more robust that’s tall enough that I can try using the glass.



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Try also without the Startrech, just in case it sounds better. Never know.

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If any music system would sound noticeably better by converting the incoming ethernet signal to optical, and then back to ethernet, while introducing two extra conversion points and additional electrical noise/interference, then something really fishy is going on…


Yes , I tend to think that simplier is better. The timing may be affected when using different quality switches too.

It’s a Pro-Ject Cover-it rpm 5/9. It fits perfectly over the glass front to back - a little extra room side to side - and will just need a few little rubber bumpers to protect the wood veneer on the Fraim. Only possible issue is the size of the cut out at the rear. Right now it sits on the cables coming out the back but I’ll either fashion something that fits on the metal glass stop or else an extended bumper in its place.

Update on 2i now temporarily connected and configured.

I have and Orbi mesh system for wifi with the RBR50 cat5 connected to the Orange router and also cat5 direct to my PC.

Out of the box the instructions are to connect power and an audio out, followed by download of the control app to ipad or android and follow the instructions. I chose to use my ipad - larger screen for these ancient eyes.
The app searches for the 2i and found it, then searches for a wifi network, and found it. After that it all went to pot. The 2i wouldn’t connect to the wifi and returned an error message saying it wasn’t possible to connect. I checked on both fing and the Orbi app and the 2i had connected and taken an ip from the dhcp server. I factory reset the 2i after finding instruction on the net to do this, and retried the setup. Same result. This time I pressed the retry button in the 2i app. The 2i then obviously did have a connection because it then tried to update its software, and got stuck and didn’t complete.
I decided to ignore the instructions and then cat 5’d the 2i direct to the RBR50. This allowed the 2i to connect and update its software. Success!

Well no, only partially.
A quick test to setup and try Qobuz, Amazon music and a few radio streams all good. Disconnected the cat5, 2i found the network and all the above streamed well, away from the pc room.
Next then to connect to my music store. I put a test share on the WIN10 pc and instructed the 2i to find it. It didn’t, no shares found. OK, manual connection needed, entered the path and 2i connected, indexed and displayed the artwork. It took a while but hey ho. Then try play, nada, nothing. Error message said this directory does not exist. I waited to make sure the indexing had truly finished. It appeared to have done so. Still the error.
Back to factory reset. Cat5 to the RBR50 again. Full set up and then use the local shares wizard on the 2i to connect. Two attempts and everything worked. Disconnected the cat5, back to the main system and wifi connected. Finally all working.

Now the control app. I have downloaded the pc desktop app, the ipad app, and the android app to a Samsung phone. The ipad app does not separate the copies of the same music contained in separate directories. So album 1 held in cd folder, mp3 folder, hires folder all display separately, but when the version I want to play is selected all 3 versions are put into the play queue. The desktop and android app both put just the version selected in to the play queue as I would expect. Other than that no obvious differences yet.

The best saved to last. The sound qual from the 2i. My original intention was to find a replacement for the sqbx kit, to be able to take advantage of hires feeds.
I have a sqbx duet, a Naim unitiserve, and the 2i all connected to a qutest and then on to the 252/250-2 kit.
The reference is Norah Jones, Come away with me 24/192 downloaded to the pc test share and a copy on the unitiserve. I’ve used this as I’ve been listening to it for years and am familiar with the way it sounds from the sqbx in cd quality.
So first confirmation check is that the US playing in hires sounds a lot better that the cd qual on the duet. More open, more separation, more distinction and placing between instruments.
Then the 2i vs the US. I thought the US was pretty good and wondered whether the 2i would add anything other than the software ability for qobuz, tidal, amazon etc. It surprisingly rather does. The best way to describe it is to say that the US sounds flat and almost boxy in comparison? Everything is placed and separated even more than before. Even at high volumes with Norah on the edge of being fatiguing, I can hear the soft brush on the hihats in the background without feeling that the hi hats are too loud. I am writing this as I sit through the third playing of this album through the 2i and am still hearing things that I hadn’t quiet noticed before. It is that good.

That’s about it for now. I need to tidy everything up and re- place the kit in permanent ish positions until a new rack arrives and the various parts go off for refresh in Jan, assuming cargo restrictions aren’t in place.
The question still bugs me a little though. I have always wanted to protect the fidelity of the sound as recorded, warts and all. Is the transport and the dac now adding something by remixing the original or is it extracting what was always there but unheard? If its the latter would stepping up to the auralic be another improvement in fidelity?

Meanwhile I’ll enjoy what I have until the rest of the new/refurbished kit comes together and the new rack is in place.


lol, shows how much you and @frenchrooster knows with answers like this!

I know nothing personally, just had different switches, from Netgear, Tp link optical converters, cascade Cisco switches…and now Etheregen.
The Cisco alone sounded better than with additional 2 X TP link optical converters in the chain.
Then now, the ER sounds much better alone, without the Cisco in the chain.
So worth to try.

Some people listen with their ears, some people listen with their wallets. Both can produce a satisfying listening experience, to each their own.

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If I understood well, Drikus was ironical. Don’t know why.

Had the LP12 serviced and the Karousel fitted along with a RCA/DIN to replace the standard Linn Black leads. Super Lumina 4 pin DIN//XLR on the 500 replaced the standard leads. Was going to try the WH Morgana leads but already have SL IC and speaker cable so decided to keep it all Naim throughout.

That’s me done for now.


Not on topic but could be. Went back to that nice dealer in aldridge today and borrowed a nap 250dr to go with the nac 282 he lent me yesterday. If your going to be a bear.

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@frenchrooster…Not inexpensive but one of the very best. Glad you like them, I’d hate to have one of my recommendations go awry! Happy Holidays

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I bought myself Hearing Aids. Yes my hearing is pretty shot. Really good ones that are custom fitted by an Audiologist are expensive! Strangely enough my system sounds about the same, but better details, voices clearer. Lots of stuff they can do, blue tooth, iPhone control, custom audio curves. image


Could you provide more details if you wouldn’t mind?

Is that the Oticon? I wanted that but they don’t make a bicross rechargeable so I’ve gone for Starkey Livio AI. They can be set to translate from other languages, which will be fun if we ever escape the bloody U.K. next summer.

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