What was the last bit of gear you bought?

I was not taking big risks, because you have tested them with Naim, my dealer recommends them ( he sells Naim and my speakers), and the designer of my brand speakers recommends them too.
Initially I was planning kharma cables, but they became too much expensive.
What i observed today is that with average recordings, I feel more the difference. They sound much better with the audience now.
Very good recordings sound better too, but it’s not so obvious.

Hi Mr. Halibut, yes they are the new Oticon Opn S1 -R ( rechargeable ) I also tried out the Starkey’s and they were very good too. It’s fun being able to adjust settings from my iPhone. And Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Halibut :fish:

@Guinnless what would you like to know?

I have gone completely low-fi, not even cheap-fi getting these little wonderbooms because of a very good deal and I needed something very mobile and waterproof (IP67) and tough. Surprisingly “interesting” playing at near field.


You’ve answered my first question to HH :slight_smile:
Are you able to load a ‘curve’ into it to suit your hearing?

I can see from your comments that you find it really good. Not cheap though is it? :astonished:
At least I’d only need one so that reduces the potential cost somewhat.

I assume you know that a new improved Oticon is coming in January. My audiologist said that if I’d gone for Oticon I’d have got a free upgrade when it’s released. As I’ve lost virtually all hearing in one ear, and quite a bit in the other, I need the Cros system. Oticon don’t make a rechargeable so it would be batteries in one and rechargeable in the other. The Cros market is very small but it’s a shame as I rather liked the Oticon. Strangely my brain is getting used to only having my one functioning ear, and it certainly sounds better and more natural with the sounds from both sides, albeit into one ear. All hifi soundstage in terms of left and right has gone but you make the best of it. For example the huge improvement from my new TT was instantly recognisable. I was worried when my sudden single sided loss happened back in April that musical enjoyment would be ended and I became terribly down about it. But with good aids and lower expectations, with help from a great Forum member it’s not so bad. Nobody knows why the sudden loss occurred. A virus is suspected, whether Covid or something else. I certainly had no Covid symptoms.


Some fun for the new systems pics 2021, I ordered that from Amazon


And occasionally because my feet are cold inside. Better than having to put double sockets.


These can be improved performance wise by using an external DR power supply .
trouble is that the PSU must be on a glass shelf 6.32mm from the front edge and the connecting cable must be floating…so that buggers up walking around much…but hey! :smiley:

@hungryhalibut, Hi H, no I didn’t know about the upgrade, thanks for the info. My Oticon’s have rechargeable batteries, they came with a recharging station, among other little items. I also had some kind of cold or virus about 20 years ago that damaged the left ear. Then chemotherapy also messed it up more.

Nice for a three year old. Possibly not a good look for an adult.

More entertaining than the ratty socks pix in Show Us Your System - we expect to see them there soon, FR!

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@Guinnless Yes, custom curves and lots of other features. Part of the process is the Audiologist tests your hearing, based on the results they program adjustments to suit your needs,

Thanks, that’s helpful. This is likely to be something I need - clarity is more important than volume.
I’d need somewhere that did a trial too just to see if it did help.

It’s for fun. Not to go working or during dinners with people.
And more specially for systems pics.

Luckily I’m not doing system pics next year then.

I thought it was for the acoustic damping factor! :roll_eyes:

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Good news

BT whole Home Wi-Fi successfully installed in parallel with EE 8Switch etc and a netgear switch running out of Virgin Business BB modem/router. No apparent conflicts. Just got to switch off the Virgin Wi-Fi now. That can wait till Boxing Day though.

In the mean time, can I wish everybody as happy a Christmas as possible in these trying times. Thank you for being so welcoming and understanding of newbee questions and also all the great suggestions for things to listening to ( I know that’s not this thread but I suspect there’s a lot of cross over). I’m looking forward to the new year on here. Stay safe everybody. Neil


Christmas :christmas_tree: gift :gift: :grinning:
Merry Christmas to all of you!:partying_face:


Sharp GF-525 boombox - thank you Santa

With line-in, line-out and phono-in inputs as well as the ability to hook up external speakers , this is going to be a lot fun messing about with. Here it is with a Sony fully automatic TT as a source.