What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Not so much bought but in the spirit of upcycling I have repurposed a remote from the sqbx Touch. It now works for the Bluenode, complete with presets.
So much easier than faffing about with ipads or phones for radio stations.

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Its hard to see but I put Herbie’s firm tenderfeet under the kW250S. Also added a shielded powercable and had my speakercable repaired. Rearranged the cables in the back to avoid interference. Bass sounds better, tighter. Guitar strings also more taut. What did it, I don’t know, too many changes in one go!


Not on topic but could be. So I have had the nac 282 / nap 250dr at home for 4 days and I’m very impressed. When I heard them at the dealers a few weeks ago they seemed bright and not for me. As I wrote on my topic ( super 20 nightmare ) some time ago I’ve had loads of trouble getting the S20s to sound right in my room, but i persevered and got them sounding ok. The 282/250 combo has so much control / clarity that I have now been able to get the S20s set up much better and I am so pleased. So after the xmas hols its back to the dealers and decision time.


Naim HiCap DR to replace Olive HiCap. Cleaned up the Prefix no end, although now much less forgiving of lesser quality albums.

XPSDR on the way to be added to my 272.


Did you find a second hand one or is it new?

Those kw250s are a real bargain if you can find them. I’ll not tell you what their final mark-down price from the factory was, it will make you cry.
But, for a 2005? All in one with a 250w/ch power amp they are great. Just don’t try to 2 things at once with them. They are easily confused!

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Second hand


Cheers. I know, I had mine new for a bargain in 2007. Had it upgraded, 0.5 kg of wires, electronics and valves replaced, resulting in focused bass and more transparency, plus not so easily confused now :rofl:

Love that MF sound, had a X150, X pre and XP200 before this beast. Just need wifi connectivity. This is where NAim ripper comes in. DAC is half decent too.

Sounds like you may have picked yours up for a bargain price then. Just had my MF powers amps “serviced”. Now weigh 7kg more.:wink:

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Down the rabbit hole… unserviced olive NAC 72 / NAP 140 / HiCap. Well… the HiCap is hopefully on the way after a little mixup in the shop. We shall see. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


How’s the node 2i working out? I got mine to stream Qobuz and Radio Paradise in FLAC for my 272. It has now taken over all streaming duties including local files on the NAS. It was more fun and engaging and is even better now that I’m just using the 272 as preamp and DAC with all the streaming facilities off. The icing on the cake is my LP12 sounds better now as well


All working well with the 2i into the Qutest. Amazon music, Qobuz, Paradise and Naim radio streams plus the nas files. As above I’ve also used spare remote for presets and track forward/reverse, particularly useful for turning the radio on in the morning without having to get the mobile or ipad unplugged from charging. Sound quality is good and I have the possibility now of hires multiroom if I get another. I think I’m keeping it.


Replaced my good old (and beloved) Sonus Faber Amati speakers, in just came their bigger siblings, the Sonus Faber IL Cremonese ex3me… Breaking them in now. Right out of the box I can hear a dramatic improvement in sound, the music is very engaging… These speakers are allowing the 552/500/Dave combo to really show what they are capable off…


Naim UnitiQute 2 in mint condition bought it second hand last week. Very pleased with it.


Here is my Xmas present, it is a pity that the NDX2 or NAC252 don’t have a headphone output, I got moaned at by the family for playing music through the speakers so the only opportunity I had was to listen whilst I had the house to myself or I got headphone out capability added to my system. I ended up with purchasing a Chord Hugo TT2 and a pair of Focal Utopia headphones and am awaiting an M-Scaler to be delivered. So now I have a choice of listening via speakers or headphones. Expensive game this is doh !!! :grinning:


Happy for you HH, and here’s my end of the VTA discussion’s result :slight_smile:

P10 with Apheta 3. As you know, replaced my P8 with 2M Black. Have to say, the P8 is great and you will love it, but the P10 is sublime. Just wow.

This ends a crazy year that started with the P8 in January :crazy_face:


Never the earliest of adopters, I have just bought a used Naim Hiline for my CD5XS.

When the Hiline was launched all those years ago my dealer told me that, ‘Naim are saying it is the equivalent of a box upgrade.’ I thought, ‘yeah, right.’

How wrong I was, it is fantastic.

Really, it is brilliant how good an XS set can sound. With some Isoblue, a Graham’s Hydra, Hiline and properly terminated Naca5, Naim make it easy for me to get great sounds. Thanks Naim.


Covid spending? haha. Enjoy your new TT

72/140. Look new, but clearly are not. 22 years young.