What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Well done, « vous m’avez eu! » :+1::joy:

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No it’s 2 separate statements in the one sentence.

Lol. I am sure you are happy together.

Don’t let the good ones go.

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I bought a pair of balanced XLR cables to replace the RCA cables running from the DAC. Very noticeable improvements.


so good I bought the

second one for the study - the ATL black box. The vinyl also arrived today.


I don’t quite know why but this black box not only supresses the hum/buzz from the Nap 250 but it just makes everything clearer. It may be that without the back ground hum the sound dynamics change, but I’d swear there is more control of bass as well as more separation and clarity. I am as they say, a convert to the cause, of a good DC blocker.


Are you now eating your hat? :rofl::rofl:

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Piega Premium 701!
Actually not quite as mine in black are due any day now. The grey pair I’ve had on demo since May thanks to HiFiLounge and Piega UK. They replace my Piega TS5s and have the characteristic Piega sound - clarity, detail, musicality (if that’s understandable adjective) but now with more beautiful bass!


DC Blockers should be included as an accessory with Naim amps. Great stuff.


Agreed, I think we bought our ATL stuff at a similar time. My xs3 is totally buzz free .

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I did ask previously why Naim, who rightly believe clean power is important, don’t have their own device.

Very nice. I used to have some TP5’s and they were a fabulous speaker.

I was going to wait until the amplifier arrived, but I couldn’t. I have the Auralic Altair G2.1 running through the Uniti Star.
I renamed the analogue input on the Star to Michell Gyro SE, that is the input I’m using.
As a streamer, it is clearly an improvement. There is more detail, much more space and the soundstage has extended about a metre each side and is taller.
I like the sound. It is quite fiddly to set up and the screen text is tiny.
I have a cheap remote on the way as the unit can be programmed to use any IR remote.
Using ShawlineX RCA rather than the Siltech 180’s balanced XLR’s that the new amp will be connected with.


@billywindsock My ATC SCM40a speakers arrived yesterday and I finally got around to setting them up this evening with the new Altair G2.1. Will try to post some pics later this week. Already loving the new set-up and I’m only a few hours into breaking everything in. Incidentally, I found the Altair pretty quick to get setup - I think the secret is to download the app and do everything through that. That way you avoid scrolling through the small text on the Altair screen. Hope the new amp turns up for you soon :grinning:


I used the app to set up too. There are a few things that I have tried through the screen, but with my slightly limited optical performance it was a bit of a chore.
Mike and Bill, and probably James too, were chuffed that the Altairs would be used in two quite different systems. I heard about the chap that was pairing his to some active ATC’s! I would like to hear the difference myself, two different approaches to our systems.

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Well, it wouldn’t be the first time, there is the Fraim too…

But to be fair, that’s the benefit of the forum, you get other peoples feedback and can change your own view on things and benefit.

I think for the 555 PS with the NDX2, my own view is that’s it’s an excellent option, but only value for money if sourced pre-owned in good condition at a fair price. A new unit, in NZ at least, I think that the retail price is disproportionate to the benefit, in which case the XPS DR is a very good option, with the balance invested elsewhere in the system.


The last bit of gear I brought was a Lyra Kelos Sl which is superb. Very happy not be caught up in the “Digital domain” :star_struck:

I guess you could call this new gear bits, Around the same time I also had Chris Murphy here in NZ preform a very serious service on my 135 amps. New lamp lights, freeing up power switches etc and of course the bits that count. Without any doubt a big improvement in every aspect.



Can’t help myself - Harry has sourced this CB NAP 110 for me - going in for service etc



Did you compare it to the standard Kleos? If so, was there much difference? Cheers Gary

There’s no helping you, Harry going to name his yacht after you.