What was the last bit of gear you bought?

And you said I didn’t know when to stop :joy::joy::joy:

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You can’t talk :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I have to find another room :crazy_face:

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2021 is an year of big changes… A new Hicap DR to replace Flatcap XS for my Stageline and now after waiting for 2 months, the Aria 926…
I am very impressed, excellent build and sound. I auditioned seriously at the dealer for two consecutive sessions of a couple of hours and I made up my mind. At home the result Is much better than expected. Really an excellent design.


I love my 926s. Just a wonderful warm sound but with loads of punch as well. Enjoy!

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Hi Neil, that’s exactly what I hear… No harshness at all, a smooth and punchy sound, well described, in Naimese words PRAT is excellent! :+1::smiley:

Bought some new plugs to replace the 30 year old oxidized plugs.


Hi Gary, no sorry I picked up the SL as my prefix is a K board. I think Mr French roosters just picked up the standard Kelos.

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Yes, the standard one. Love it. Incredible results with my P10 and ear 912.
I have not compared, but read that generally the SL is considered better.
However the SL has a very low gain, so I didn’t wanted to risk to hear tubes rush….


New, replacement HQPlayer turned up.

Mac mini M1 16gb ram. Tried the 8gb version but was concerned there would to much swap memory used as HQP develops

Very happy, easy to setup as a headless unit in the network cupboard away from all the audio gear!


I’ve purchased these online today. Never a heard a pair before but have an itch that needed scratching. If they don’t work out then I’ll pass them on to my son to try in his 5si combo.


Tron severn gt phono stage


Perhaps I am wrong, but I feel that phono tubes stages are very microphonic. Sensitive to vibrations. Not sure that position is the best.

Well it’s got to sit in the rack somewhere and right now it’s taking the place the aura was in.
But sounding fabulous.
I would have thought low down better, away from the turntable as much as it can be and the turntable power supply

Nice. Like any Naim they reward careful set up. They like to have their backs close to a wall. Use a spirit level to ensure they’re perfectly level. Level and secure the stands first making sure there’s absolutely no rocking. Then level the speakers. The latter can be a little tricky thanks to the three point mount, but you’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly. Hope it goes well.


Yes, but near the floor you have more vibrations….
Or try, later, no rush, a little more decoupling, like isoacoustics or something like that.

@varyat is a specialist. He should give a recommendation for the Tron position and isolation from vibrations.

Thank you for your sound advice Richard, really appreciate it. Luckily the room I have here is reasonably small with a concrete (carpeted) floor, low ceiling, solid brick rear wall, and is unusually shaped. I’m hoping this will play to all their strengths. I’m really looking forward to receiving them.

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I don’t really get any vibrations in the floor, as it’s solid 30mm oak boards, glued to screed, then concrete and finally the ground.
Plus my speakers are on the townshend podiums and these are fantastic for stopping the speakers reacting with the floor.
Any vibrations in the floor will go straight up the fraim rack anyway as its not decoupled.
I had isoacoustic feet under my dCS, melco etc while on the fraim and it helped, but once I got the podiums I couldn’t tell any difference anymore, so sold the lot

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Should be fun Stephen - great little speakers. I enjoyed mine along with an n-Sub.

They liked a 300 up ‘em :grinning:

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