What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Yeah, I bet they do :rofl:


See @varyat profile then click on the second systems pics 2019. His Allnic tubes phono is on a wall shelf.

Well that’s certainly not happening, especially as the wall behind my rack is a stud wall and the rega hated it and I am not even going to drill holes in my wall paper

I’m really not ofay with Naim speakers, Stephen…what model are they?

Hi stevebee, they are the Naim n-Sat speakers. I’ve been looking for some stand-mounts for quite a while now and to be honest there isn’t really a lot out there that floats my boat. I’ve always hankered after another pair of Naim speakers. Saw these mint examples with their matching stands for a reasonable price, so…


Thanks, Stephen. I’ve never heard Naim speakers…but have been intrigued by them for awhile.

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I’ll be interested to hear how you get on with the Sats. I had some for a few years, with and without the matching nSub. I can’t say that the Sats were that great by themselves, they always sounded congested and constrained. The ProAc Tablette 10 is, in my view, massively more accomplished. Maybe they’d be worth a try too.


Karousel has kometh . . .

Lovely speakers Stephen - I interchange mine with a nait 2 and 32.5/hicap/250

As Richard says need a bit of fiddling to get right but we’ll worth it

Hope they work out for you

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I understand. Enjoy for now, maybe later you will want to investigate or try something different….or not.

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More than likely, different place in the rack probably and as I have to do something about the rear leg, the higher the better due to weight

How are the stands settling in, good picture, I hadn’t realised how the top plate provides the support to the feet on the speakers, nice arrangement.

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Did not buy it, just placed it on my birthday wish list and…voila


Thank you very much @Adam1. One or two month after I purchased the GURUs I got highly confident that these speakers will stay with me many many years and so I considered adding the dedicated standpoints since then. So I reached out to Erik from GURU in Sweden a couple of weeks ago and ordered a pair directly from him as I made good experiences dealing with him when I ordered my speakers there in December.

Yes, the plate is constructed that the soft feet of the GURUs fit onto the soft pads of the plate perfectly - it is kind of a floating storage.

To be honest I purchased them mainly because of the look and the design. But the speaker’s performance has indeed improved in direct comparison to their not ideal placement on my TV sideboard before. It is not night and day but a bit more than I expected: Now they are performing in the correct hight which maybe is the biggest reason for the improvement: I am getting some more details from the tweeter and the soundstage has improved a little as well. I got the impression that the stereo image has a bit more depth. Everything is a little bit clearer - maybe because the speakers are now decoupled from the rest of the furniture.

However I am still experimenting with the final placement (distances to the rear wall and the toe-in).

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Good stuff, they look a great visual match.

I’ve got mine on super heavyweight Target R2 stands which I’ve had for years but I do have the original top plate that Guru used to do when they first came out.

I’m fairly certain I’ll send my mk2’s back to Guru in the near future to get them updated to latest spec.

I recently purchased some Kef Ls50 metas and have them in the Naim system and they are very special speakers.

However Gurus just seem to make everything a little bit easier, I’ve got both my pairs out in the cabin and have the mk1s connected up and the type of presentation is much less hifi biased and just seem to focus on musical integrity.

Enjoy, I think they are spectacular communicators where you spend less time concerning yourself if they are doing this or that and just end up enjoying the performance they put on.

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It might depend on the make and model. According to the 912 manual that I found on some manual aggregator site (because I found none on the Ear site), the Ears 912 is not:

I don’t think they’ll be replacing my Motive SX2s anytime soon, i just can’t see it, but i’m willing to be pleasantly surprised all the same. I see this mint pair come up in the usual place with their matching stands, always wanted to try a pair here, so thought why not? What the heck, life’s too short…

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wonderful speakers, had some for a few years, miss them !..if they don’t work out let me know :smile:

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Finally my LP12 has arrived!


Oh yes it is. As always, the advertising will not say that. I have mine under Finite elemente cerapucks, and glass shelf on Fraim lite.
The rubber feet that come with it are very poor for isolation.