What was the last bit of gear you bought?

All the ryan sound labs board for My nac72

Expect a word from Richard……:blush:


I bought a Uniti Star in March, to replace my Uniti1 after the CD player failed, and have been revelling in all the extra detail, musicality, and information it’s revealed, both from CD, and vinyl since then.
I am missing the lack of playback control I had, no FF/Rew, or ability to select a track numerically.
Of course, it also tempts me to upgrade even further, but the unexpected cost made my bank account cough a bit, so not an issue really. I am happy with a one - box system ( plus phono amp).


Locally sourced 10mm toughened glass panels and original Naim spacers flown all the way from UK in one of those things commonly referred in the past as airplanes.

There’s a slight difference in presentation but I have no idea if I should attribute it to the power cycling or the $250 spent on mechanically decoupling the boxes.


Innous ZENmini Mk3 (replacing one broken HDX, for now), Power Cord, and a HC DR



It looks good though! :grin: Money well spent I would say. :yum:


Amazing speakers! Neats are gorn, as good as they are, gorn!! Unbelievable quality, honestly these are stupidly amazing speakers. What a bargain! :heart_eyes:



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I’m absolutely stunned! SUB? Really.? :rofl:

Sorry, i’m so shocked at how good these speakers are! Unbelievable! :joy:

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Very pleased for you, I still miss mine…at the time I had SL2s, Allaes, and N-Sats, one pair had to go (and I sold them to Max B…a nice guy).

Will keep an eye out for a pair methinks…

Enjoy !

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When i first rigged them up i thought ‘what the hell have i done here’? Crikey, what transpired after that has totally floored me! :flushed: :rofl:


Also proves just how well your SN3/NDX2 are.


I dont recognise these speakers, what are they please?

Naim’s n-Sats. Lovely little speakers. Many years ago when they were first released we had to use a pair as substitute for a pair of SL2s on a full 500 series system at the Top Audio show in Milan (the SL2s had been damaged on the way there and we couldn’t get anything else at such short notice). To say they rose to the occasion would be something of an understatement - they were magnificent for such tiny, discreet little speakers, especially on the steady diet of classical chamber music that seemed to be so favoured by the visitors to the show.


Enjoy, I had some myself in the past, sure to be a nice addition.

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Thanks for your quick reply. I’m looking at possibly changing my speakers in the near future so these might be an option.

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Thank you. To say I’m gob-smacked is an understatement. It feels good to have a full Naim system once again!

Great they have worked out for you Stephen

I’ve got the piano black finish like yours and they match well with the CB Naim stuff like nait 2 etc

I’ll never part with mine


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You make me think I should have kept hold of mine now, good you have the stands as well as those can be hard to find these days. I’ve got some Focal Kanta 1’s incoming soon which I’m going to swap in to replace my PMC’s and see how they fit. I had originally got them with a mind to put them in as rear channels on a 5.1 setup but get the feeling they may stay on the SN3 longer than a test window!
Hope you’re keeping well otherwise and enjoying the system, I’ve been very happy with mine so far, planning to add an XPS DR at some point as time and funds allow.


I thought they were originally designed for an AV system, with Naim DVD 5.