What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Naim 12 and 32.5 preamps.
When my Naim 42 lost one channel, I won the 32.5 on E Bay for £300.
The owner had a box on the floor with the 12 in it . Because it hadn’t been used for a while ,I bought it untested for £40.
It works fine, sounds great.


They were also a part of the 5.1 n-System, yes, but first and foremost they had to make music and do it well, otherwise what would be the point. And the result was that n-System was one off the most musically satisfying 5.1 systems around…

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Can’t comment on that. Just remember having visited a high end dealer in Paris, near Champs Élysée, 20 years ago. He had a lot of gear, like Classé, Audio Research, BW 800 speakers…
I was a proud new owner of Naim electronics. I asked him why he doesn’t have Naim. He responded me : « We tried to demonstrate, on a special evening, a full Naim AV system , but it was a catastrophe «
They had maybe 50 guests, with champagne, caviar….etc
Unfortunately, nothing worked . Or maybe they didn’t knew how to make it work….

That’s a shame if so. The AV kit did need knowledge and experience in order to set it up and get it to work at its best, and the digital processing boards in the AV2 could sometimes get “moody”, particularly in the early days.

I do wonder though if that’s the same potential dealer who asked for a NAC552 to try, but came back saying they didn’t like it. I happened to be visiting Paris at the time so went to investigate; Not only was it plonked right on top of the 552PS but it still had all its transit bolts fitted and done up. Too late sadly, the damage was done…

Best to let dealers like that to ruin other manufacturers reputation!!

Maybe French dealers don’t read English-language manuals…

No worries @frenchrooster – just joking, of course… :grinning:


Recently added a Rega P8 with Hana ML cartridge. Loving it.


…and very nice pictures indeed…!!! :+1:


It was avenue Monceau if I remember well. 17ème.
He also said it was too complicated to make work…And not enough opened to other brands ( Din connectors…etc).
I agreed on one point, the complicated connection.

My dealer sells Naim since more than 20 years, but doesn’t speak, or very very little, english.
Hopefully there’s Naim France ( now Focal).

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You’ve swapped out the counterweight?

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After 2 weeks listening to a demo set at home I pulled the trigger on a brand new set.
New comers are……….
Naim NDX2
Pathos Logos MK2
Living Voice Avatar R4

Now the (probably long) waiting is started.


Yes, it’s the Michell counterweight.

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Enjoy, I love my P8.

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Back in the day, I had a NAIM AV system; AV2, NAP 145/175 (can’t remember which). It didn’t keep up with the advances in processing modes, so was ditched.

Do you think NAIM will ever re-enter the AV arena seriously, Richard? There’s nothing I’d love more than a good NAIM AV processor, integrated into my audio system.

I really don’t know Andy.

The ML is fantastic. It looks like you changed the counterweight as well.

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OMG… It would have to happen… Then a Naim Ultra HD Blu-ray player… “TAKE MY MONEY!!!”

XPS-DR will be a really nice(huge IMHO) addition to your NDX-2. It’s done wonders for my nDAC. Also enjoy those Kanta 1’s.


I bought my Nova from one of the Paris Naim dealers - don’t remember the name but he’s located close to where all the instrument shops are (good choice of location). I have to say he was knowledgeable, friendly and gave me impeccable service, despite my purchase being relatively modest. Happy customer here.