What was the last bit of gear you bought?

the Keesonic Kub were the cheap alternative to the ls3 / 5a but fell into oblivion. The paper tweeter makes its sound very smooth. The truth is that they sound very good

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These were just delivered. Audience Balanced AU24-SX, not cheap but one of the best. Now if I can get my Chord Hugo TT2 I’ll get the chance to break everything in!


You made a wise choice. I recently bought Piega Coax 711 and I love them. Beautiful sound !

Some PMC DB1i and I got a centre channel one too as well today, will combine with OB1i for 5.1 at some point.
on my office desk for now with some also new Isoacoustic stands, sounding rather decent despite being dinky!


Get well soon. I have 3 of these and they do sound good for their size.

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Klimax Radikal and Keel on order. Ow. Lol


Nice. I recently added a defense system too but it’s for dust rather than pets. I’m embarrassed to admit that it’s just a sports T-shirt and not a specially made heavy duty material.

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Dust is not only an eyesore from an appearance point of view, it also has a sonic effect.

Send me the white coat men , I know, but recently I was experiencing distortion on certain low frequencies on one of my Kudos speakers.

It was driving me nuts , I disconnected everything , swapped cables and speakers input etc on the amp and even rang up Kudos about replacing the woofer drive unit.

I happened to notice a lot of dust and a tiny piece of cotton and blew it off whilst kneeling in front of the speaker praying for its forgiveness.

As soon as I did that , hey presto, suddenly distortion completely gone. Bonkers I know, but the god damn truth. So so relieved.

So the moral of the story is keep those drivers dust free and not just the cabinet .

Totally agree — love mine. Has been giving me many hours of music and BBC Radio 4 when travelling for work (pre-COVID…). Gives me lots of comfort in hotel rooms when far away from home. Might sound silly, but that’s how my brain seems to work…

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A few bits over the last few months

  1. AR Lunar RCA to DIN - connects Qutest to the 282

  2. Naim DC1 - connects ND5XS2 to the Mscaler

  3. Supercap DR - Powers the 282

Should be it for now :grin:

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Yup. Agree. It’s great getting it set up and hearing some decent quality music. :sunglasses:

Nd5xs2 to Mscaler ? It works ?

It sure does, why?

Because I thought that the Mscaler works only on Chord dacs, so like Nd5xs2 to Hugo/Qutest or Dave into Mscaler.
Not on internal dac of the Nd5xs2. You are the first to do that here apparently.

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You’ll see from Hifiman’s profile that he connects the ND5XS2 to an Mscaler and then connects the Mscaler to a Chord Qutest. So just as expected and just as designed.

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Quite ingenious … my compliments to the seamsperson.

My confusion was here. And also I thought the Mscaler has to be connected to the Chord dac, not the Nd5xs2.

The Mscaler sits between the ND5XS2 and the Chord dac, so is connected to both.


Upgraded to ND555/552 so thought I’d give this a try.