What was the last bit of gear you bought?

They look very nice…….KS-1 is a gem of a cable


Thanks, the cable surprised me…

I had SL, initial comparisons were not favourable, however after extended listening they fell into place…extremely good value vs SL…

I tried to like SL……had 3 attempts, the last a well run in full loom, it just did not suit my room and ears.

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I have Witch Hat Morgana’s on the I/C’s, so will prob dig out the Phantoms at some point and try them, but not just yet…

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I’ll bet you are!

Out of interest, how far are the 606’s away from the walls? Have you experimented with the distance at all?

Distance from back wall is 9 inches to the wood/10 inches to the black back panel, have experimented a little, but not exhaustively…they sound damn good where they are…so based on Kudos and the Dealers experience…

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Got my Ansuz power cords, switch and power distribution today… it has „component status“ for me. What it shows SQ wise is a bigger step than some steps I took to jump from one amp to another. I know some folks here use their stuff as well- now I understand why :+1::ok_hand:

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Look fantastic next to the Hutter rack

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In my experience the Phantoms have the roughest break-in. I was thinking about sending them back but they came together and started making sense about 3 weeks in. They were very disjointed at first

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I received some new NACA5 cables today. Really well put together!

Well I never thought they would sound so good, what a pleasant surprise!! They have immediately given my system more clarity and crispness. The bass is all there and seems to be tighter too. The deepest notes also seem to have more presence. I have never installed a cable and been immediately this impressed. I have been sat here listening for a few hours now with not a hint of fatigue. With the extra clarity and detail it is a win in my book. I know it is a cliche saying but I feel they just get out of the way and let the system do what it wants to do. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised when they are designed to work with Naim gear!!


Very nice. Can you tell me where you purchased them from? I can find the cable for sale here in the U.K. but I cannot find anyone who terminates them.

Online from here in Aus. Sight and sound galleria. Great discounted price. 4 meter pairs. If I could afford it I’d buy another. They only have 3 pre terminated pair left I think. Price works out to 235 quid. Not sure how that compares to Uk pricing.

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Okay, thank you for your reply.

Same speakers, cable and finish as me! Stunning combo! Enjoy

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Thanks , a great combo

out of interest how far do have the 606’s from the back wall, and any toe in ?


I have the 606’s 12 inches from back wall, a good 4ft from corners and virtually no toe in. They fire up the length of a 20ft by 12ft room.

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Thanks, I have 10 ‘’ from rear wall and no toe in…

they are excellent speaker…

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The new Kudos Titan 606’s in oak have arrived today. They look fantastic and thankfully are a perfect match for our oak furniture, which has pleased Mrs B!


Looking real smart, excellent match :+1:


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