What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Added a black box with a blue light to complement those with red and green lights. Have had the Innuos Zen MK3 on loan for a couple of months now and made arrangements to return it. Was allowed to keep it to try 2.0. Innuos support helped activate the software bridge to allow me to run the nds through 2.0
In those few months, transitioned from 1.46 to 2.05. The upgrade in SQ , vs. local files on the old QNAP nas through the Naim app, is an order of magnitude improvement. Qobuz integration a huge bonus and with SQ indistinguishable from local files.

Wondering if I’ve inadvertently converted an NDS to a ND555.


Those really are nice. :+1:

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Hopefully nearly there with a general system update!

New tonearm cable for my Systemdek/Tabriz, a Roksan HDC-03a lead. Replaced the original lead - actually no idea what that was, no markings on it whatsoever! Given the suspension of my deck, the fact this lead has the DIN plug end free of the bulk of the cable, I think it was a nice suggestion from Audio Republic, plus it is an obvious complement to the Tabriz.

Was a bit of a delay whilst it was fitted so not entirely sure of the A to B comparison! Sounds nice and clear, a bit more refined everywhere I think. Maybe more significantly the music is just flowing, and the dramatic experience of the Hugo isn’t something I’m feeling is missing when listening to vinyl, thankfully X)

So, apart from possibly a Bluesound Node to run through my recent Hugo purchase to take streaming duties from my phone, and potentially a Flatcap2 to run the CD5 and Stageline from, I think that’s it until a major source upgrade!

Sources now standing at: CD5, Systemdek/Tabriz/Chorus Blue/Goldring 1042 & Stageline, Hugo.

Amp: XS3

Speakers: Neat Motive SX3s

Ancillary: Atacama equipment stands, Custom Designs FS103 speaker stands, NACA5 speaker cable, Naim standard interconnects.

Given what I have committed to gear, I’m very very happy with things as they stand.


Brilliant match apart from those damn green lights!

How’s the cable dressing looking at the back !

Nice, Andrew is a knowledgeable guy…the new Node is pretty good…



The cable dressing is an absolute disgrace…:grinning:

He was a recommendation from the forum, I forget who endorsed him, but a very knowledgeable and helpful guy

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I zoomed up the image.

It didn’t look too pretty.

But I’m sure it still sounds spectacular and that’s all that counts.

Wonderful system. Have a ton of fun!

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Very nice indeed Andy👌

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Well, my 6 month hifi

project is at an end (for now!!). New Anthem MRX740 arrived and fitted last night, with full ARC room correction. Looking and sounding good. It’s been a long road but now time to enjoy films and music, which is what it’s all about…


Really nice looking setup. Clean sleek and matching!

I’ve got an older Anthem with my Kudos/Naim set up.

I’m using a single Kudos Cardea C1 as centre speaker with Neat Iotas as surrounds.

Is that the great Michael Stipe on the telly?


Had a call from Tom Tom earlier. My newly acquired/serviced 300DR has arrived with them and will be tested next week prior to despatch. The good news is it (they) have not only been serviced but have new cases and fascias as well! Some running in time is looming!!


A Mu-so Qb2 for the kitchen.


Qutest - connected to my Bluesound Node 2i. Nice upgrade as you might hope. End game DAC - will see how streaming transports develop in the future. Allows me to enjoy hi-def streaming - but my CDX2/XPSDR has it beat, particularly on the prat front. Perhaps hi-def remasters are just too smooth but the CD player seems to have more attack. Suits my taste but I suppose some might find it aggressive.


@AWillby - How have you connected the two? I found (as Chord’s Rob Watts recommends) optical was the best way of linking the Node 21 and Qutest, it gives a bit more boogie factor.

Optical - as I had a nice Van Den Hul cable anyway. Don’t get me wrong it sounds terrific - I’m very happy. Made me reassess how good my 2008 CDX2 is though. That said it is an £8k set up compared to £1.7I. Even with the tech development since 2008 I’d be a bit miffed if it was outclassed.

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Hi Peter,

Are you using it as a UPnP server or a transport?

Also, I like the unit it’s on.


I use it as controller for roon


I believe as a transport delivering to the dac in the nds.
The server setting on the zen is uPnP (as opposed to on roon or Sonos)
Thanks for compliment re: stand. Hiding the Naim boxes has a good waf.