What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Thanks Peter,

What cable are you using to connect the Innuos to the DAC? I’m interested because I too have an NDS, which I have Roon-ified but still wonder about how to take it forward.

Tell me more how you use it and how you connect it to Roon :blush::+1:


I now changed from the Microsoft surface dial to the nuimo dial. Much better, much more possibilities.

Yes it is. The 1999 REM Glastonbury concert, recently shown again on the BBC. Great band and a brilliant frontman. Your system looks great by the way!

Having the 282 on top of the 250 is far from ideal. I suggest putting it next to the NDX2. Hopefully you’d get a free sound improvement.

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Yes, I have that in my mind to do. Phase 1 has been to move the NAPSC out of the way onto the floor. Phase 2 is to relocate the 282. As a retired man, I’m slow at getting round to jobs these days. Just waxed the car, so that’s me done for the day! :grinning:


Go on, be a devil. Do it now.


Steady on old chap!!

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Hi Keith,

RJ 45 Ethernet. Had dealer rep include audioquest cinnamon as the cable included with the innuos kinda dollar store quality.

My motivation for adding the zen was to replace an aging qnap nas.
The upgrade in sq sealed the deal.

The best is apparently the Audiophileo/ Pure Power. @Filipe has it.

Thanks FF,

That’s interesting. Sonore do something similar for £400. I have toyed with the idea of moving away from Naim streamers (to optical Rendu, for example), but most alternatives have USB outputs so that’s useful to know.

It turns out that Peter is using his Innuos as a UPnP server, not a transport feeding the DAC directly.


Having had an Audiophileo/PP as well and now using an Audio-GD DI20-HE my feeling is that the Audio-GD outperforms the Audiophileo.
Denafrips Gaia seems to be outstanding as well, though not heard it.

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If the Innuos is used as an UPNP server only, then it’s connected to a switch, as well as the streaming dac. Normally there is no need for a cable between them.
Or i miss something.

I might be confused with the terminology, but there’s no switch involved in my case. The zen is connected to the nds directly via an Ethernet cable. Similarly with an Ethernet cable, the zen is connected to the router (a mesh node). So Zen streams the local files on its hard drive and qobuz/tidal/internet radio through the router. I thought that would define it as a transport. The Naim app recognizes both LMS and the Zen as uPnP but the control is the innuos app. The nds dac is the player. I stand to be corrected however.

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Or is the mesh node considered a switch?

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I thought Peter had said that he was using his Innuos as as a transport, directly connected to the DAC in his NDS, but he isn’t, he is using it as a UPnP server via bridged (between the router and the NDS) ethernet.

You’re right to say a USB S/PIDFconverter would be needed to connect the Innuos directly to the NDS DAC.

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Thanks Peter, that’s clear :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t realise the LMS mode works via Ethernet. I thought it needed the USB connection. So that means you can use the new Innuos app into the NDS via Ethernet?

I have an Audiostore server I use as Roon Core and endpoint to the NDS via Ethernet but I don’t think I can use it’s LMS functionality without using the USB output.

For my understanding, that configuration is when the Nds is a player and streamer, and Innuos the Nas.
When you write no switch but router, the router acts as a switch.
However I don’t understand how you can use the Innuos app, because the player is Nds.
I don’t understand something.

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Understand more now. Apparently the LMS mode enables to use Innuos app even if the Nds is the player.

There is a uPnP plug in that can be activated . The lms

then shows in the Naim app