What was the last bit of gear you bought?

In that case, as there is only Ethernet connection of both, does the Innuos app sounds better vs the Naim app ?

Bought a used rack. Probably more than 20 years old and with some scratchies here and there but heavily built and with an adjustable top shelf for perfect setting of the turntable. More than happy with it, and for £50, so…


Lot of metal for £50 - looks good!

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What is the braun egg at the left of the Gyrodeck?

A replica of the faberge egg we could all have had if it wasn’t for this hobby of ours?

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It’s not the same. Fabergee eggs are art. It’s a unique design.
The RCA dog is just for decorating my audio system.
I am not a collector.

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The innuos sounds much more detailed than with a direct connection to the nds.

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Hi Peter,

I don’t have the LMS plug-in but I do have the Sonore UPNP bridge on my Audiostore Micro Roon which works in a similar way to Innuos pre-version 2.0 (with iPeng etc).

I’ve been wading through the Innuos 2.0 thread and it looks like some have been using the Sonore UPnP bridge to access the new Innuos app functionality via Ethernet so that might be an option if I point it at Innuos instead of Sonicorbiter (and buy an Innuos server!)

Yes, that’s what I’m doing. A 30 second cut and paste job on the 2.0 innuos app. If you can get a zen on trial, I think possibly a more elegant solution to what you propose.

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I just bought a chord qutest to go with my 202/200 I’ll post some pictures once I get it :grin:


It’s an “egg” in cherry wood made by a local carpenter. It is perfectly balanced, so at the slightest incline on, for example, a shelf, it rolls away. Works like a round spirit-level, you could say, but I have it mostly because it looks good. And the turntable is a TecnoDec …:sunglasses::wink:


Just downsized my whole setup and bought Uniti Atom to power my Fyne F501 speakers…The details,soundstage and imaging is just awesome…Coming from Node 2i, RME ADI2 dac, parasound amp and Primaluna HP Integrated …
Ordered some acoustic panels (UA acoustics) to tame the bass and 1st reflection points
Excited to see this simplified setup :smiley:


A photo or three would be nice.

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Pictures please , I for one like very simple systems

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Just arrived today, CDX & XPS.

After much deliberation on whether I should buy a new CD player or a decent used one, as you can see I went for the later.

I know there is always the risk of buying used but it’s from a good reputable source who gave it a 24 hour sock test it and is working perfectly. They also got confirmation from Naim that they can still repair the transport of these early CDX players, so I bit the bullet and went for it!


Did something similar a year ago and have not regretted it one bit.

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A 2Go for me Hugo2

“Sings” with my Focal Elears.

The Amazon envelope contains 1 x MicroSD card- maybe it needed to be that big because it is 1Tb !


Impressive product and packaging.

Just done my morning weightlifting - my 300DR arrived at 8.30 this morning!! Already evident even starting in a cold system and a period of running in required after a service at Naim, that it is MUCH better than my 200DR as you would expect!). Soundstage already wider, much more control bass is really tight) and at the same time delicacy and subtlety. As others have said even at comparitively moderate volume sounds great. I’m sure there will be some ups and downs during running in but I’m already sure this is a significant upgrade. PS As others have found Tom Tom have been very efficient and good to deal with.

System is now warming up after a couple of hours, so cranked up the volume and played Wow by Kate Bush and Boys of Summer by Don Henly, both Wow moments,. A bit of juice just opens everything up - spine is tingling nicely!! Music is just flowing effortlessly.


Witch Hat Phantom speaker cable. Ordered about 6 weeks ago.

Straight out of the box it’s a subtle but noticeable improvement over my 15 year old NACA5. Looking forward to how it improves as it burns in.

That’s it, I’m done! A 30 year hi-fi odyssey is complete. (Cue much forum laughter and wifely disbelief!)
The whole system is now nicely balanced and would take significant funds to improve much further. Without a lottery win, I can’t see changing. Time to avoid the Forum for a while, upgraditis is very contagious :grin: