What was the last bit of gear you bought?

No great change in surface noise etc.? Assuming that you previously had a record cleaning machine, how would you say the cleaning job the degritter does compares to your previous machine?

ML stylus. Audio Technica really have the MM game nailed here, incredible sound for pound ratio!


Amount of surface noise reduction varies by records. If a vinyl uses a poor vinyl then noise is in the record itself or severe groove damage/non fill production errors won’t get any better either by Degritter or any other machine.

I used a Nitty Gritty RCM for a long time. It serviced me well over the years. I have tried other ultrasonic machine at dealers but I was not impressed enough to purchase. A friend uses Loricraft and it is also good but it takes a huge amount of space and you have to keep your eye on it. So it’s not just pop in a record and walk away.

Degritter is the first good looking quiet RCM I have seen. I considered Clearaudio Double Matrix also but one thing I found out was that this machine has a trouble cleaning warped record. That was a no no for me. Plus it was still too loud/noisy.

Kirmuss is just too much effort. At my age I don’t want to deal with all that.

Audiodesk is too noisy and it had a reliability issue in the past. I can adjust the noise level on Degritter.

So anyways, Degritter was the winner for me.


Thanks for that Kuma. It’s very helpful info. I’m generally happy with my Pro-Ject machine, but it isn’t perfect and I do occasionally wonder if ultrasonic is the way to go and especially degritter with its facility to just press a button and leave it, the compact form and the low noise. All very attractive factors . Very expensive though 😵‍💫

It’s only rockn’roll but i like it… :smiley:

And the last purchase for a while… Grado’s all new SR225x. Sounding gorgeous straight out of the box


I done my dash on gear with the P6 and the Totems last month but I did get some AirPod Pros this week, mainly for online meetings at work but they actually don’t sound too bad for music on the go…

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Which ones did you get?


Please let us know what you think. I have a 1m pair of Audience AU24-SX BNC on my Mscaler but since I have no Dac can’t really comment on SQ and right now I’m not sure if I’ll be getting a TT2, or a DAVE. If I get the DAVE I’ll need to move on the Mscaler and the BNC’s, since I can’t afford to keep all of it!

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Hawks… they’re running in nicely…

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Lovely, we have a pair in the lounge. They do remarkable imaging.

yes that’s what sealed it for me, I have a really difficult room and they present a really natural image despite all the weird shapes in my space and wherever you sit in the room… it makes them very user friendly for a shared space…

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What do you run with the Hawks @KiwiMarra? I have mine on my Nova, but I must try them on the 252/250 where I have the Forest Signatures.

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Isoacoustic Aperta stands for my Spendor S3/5R. They’ve transformed the bass compared to cones onto granite although my wife whose hearing is much better than mine claims the highs are now a little soft. I like them anyway.


NAP155xs is the drive, 202 pre, sounds lovely, easy to drive, I’m sure a bigger power amp would give it a bit more heft but overall its a pretty solid sound… I did try some forests but they were overkill for the space… This was my first go round with Totem speakers after running image for years super impressed, with the Naim electronics. Even the missus commented who is typically ambivalent at best to such things.

I’m sure the 252/250 would make them sing like a bird.

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Isn’t that a Naim Atom clone from another brand? :smiling_imp:


Yes, it is a Naim Atom clone. It is known as Linn Klimax Organik!!! :slight_smile: