What was the last bit of gear you bought?

I have seen them. Does it work?

Decided to try one of these Ifi iPurifier 3’s with my Roon core connected to my RME DAC. Didn’t expect any change. So was surprised when there was one. It’s not huge but it’s there. Jury out until further testing.


Bought one recently as well and noticed a definite improvement. An added bonus is that it accepts usb3 cables which most DACs won’t. One of those purchases that I thought might go back but happy with the difference

I’ve since added a iFi Mercury usb3 cable which again made a nice improvement.


Ampearl RE2030, my MoFi studioPhono which I thought was great value for money is completely blown out of the water. Thanks of giving me the final push @Don_Camillo

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I just ordered another for my bedroom system. I’ll skip on the cable for now though.

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Are you using a separate network for your audio or sharing the home network? In other words, I suppose you have 1 main router and possibly wifi and cable ethernet connections for other home devices, are you going from there to the UpTone ER and then to music rack?

Hi Thijazi,
I have a single router, which has 4 x output ports. I use one of them to plug directly into the ER solely for the HiFi network. I use another to connect to a Zyxel switch for all other networked items such as Sonos, Skybox, PC’s etc.
Hopefully, this gives some degree of isolation for my main HiFi, but not perfect since there’s still a connection to everything else via the routers switch.
I am thinking that since I don’t use any streaming services for the main system that an alternative to a fibre connection would be to use a separate router for the hifi which will connect to the main router only by WiFi and hence avoid having any wired connection to the rest of the network. Anyone tried this? Would it work?

Sonic bliss!


works perfectly. I didn’t always want to run with the AT liquid

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Yesterday finally came one of my former Linn naim dealers with this Panasonic dvd/b.ray player. I actually wanted this from early 2019 to par the DVD5 but then another dealer forced me into a Pioneer which i didn’t like and ditched after a few weeks. We waited it for wekk over six months due to covid restrictions but also for endemic scarcity today of players. Today it seems that nobody or very little use these.



My weekly contribution to the thread. I did not want this and was planning to use the standard cables for at least 6 months before going down the cable rabbit hole, but then one of the larger Chord Company dealers in Germany decided to retire. So, a new Sarum T interconnect for the NDX2 and a set of their demo Sarum T DIN-XLRs for the 300 DR. Let’s say I won’t make a loss if I decide to sell them on.


That’s a shame as I love my 9000. I had an an Oppo 205 before but hardly made use of its capabilities given that I stream via Naim. I was paid substantially more for the Oppo than I paid for it new and in addition to the 9000 used the balance to contribute towards a new Naim streamer. Not bad given that I only use the 9000 for watching the odd movie.

It’s very well built with a solid and good looking chassis, contrary to Pioneer which was uselessly cumbersome (doesn’t fit in a Fraim standard level) and with ugly screws on the sides.
First of all, we played a Italian edition of The Saint season 3 which was pretty much unplayable with DVD5 and my old Sony. Crossing fingers disc one of the box was fine and with a very good black & white image for an early '60s series.


Just on trial :wink:


That’s like when you are not shopping, just looking. But of course you take your checkbook, just in case.

Picked up a ND555 from those lovely chaps at signals today. I am new to streaming so was open minded on how this might sound. I had a HDX before with a 555 powering it. Only a couple of hours in and I must say I am very impressed. I have always been a vinyl person but this is amazing to use and the sound is glorious. Every time I buy another box I think it can’t be much better … how do Naim do it. Now I need to order another power supply and then all the switches and cables …:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Shouldn’t that be Tidee?


Glad it went well, great streamer…give it some time to warm up…a week or so. The Signals team are really good on delivering for the customer.


Well I thought I had bought a Teddy Pardo LPS for my Audiostore server; however, a call from Martin informed me that when testing it the server stopped working (19v). I’m now waiting for Martin to build me a bespoke LPS. So watch this space … it’s due in 10 days or so …

Credit to Martin he did offer a Keces alternative, but I choose the Teddy.

They don’t seem to be touched by COVID times

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