What was the last CD you bought

@RexManning – I kind of know what you mean, but I also hear UK outfit Maisha, as well as other influences, such as Coltrane, Rotary Connection, Donny Hathaway, Nubya Garcia and so on. It’s not exactly original or groundbreaking, but it is immensely enjoyable.

The 50th anniversary remastered Tea for the Tillerman - excellent.


Wow, you have a commendable ability to connect these influences. And yes, very enjoyable. I like that they give the musicians their time to shine, personally not always into the Epic (…) approach. Sometimes, not always.

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Springsteen on Broadway -I’m not sure if this is one but on one of these live albums Bruce tells LOTS of stories
It’s kind of interesting the first time but I found it gets a bit much on repeat listening.

Yes, that’s this album, and one of the reasons why I didn’t want it on vinyl - a curiosity piece in some ways, but was still very curious about hearing it.


King Crimson - ITCOTCK 40th Anniversary Series

This is the 2009 version remastered by Steven Wilson. I am currently enjoying a renewed enthusiasm for all things Crimson and having read some favourable reviews of this version, I thought I’d take the plunge.

Well I should have learnt by now. I’ve bought a couple of Yes albums remastered by Steven Wilson in the past and have been disappointed by his dabbling. This is no different. I think he tends to focus on bringing micro details to the fore but seems deaf to the effect on the whole. This is tonally bright and tiring on the ears. The music is brilliant. This remaster is a disaster. Avoid like the plague.


There is a back story to these, so rather than post three times, yes I have listened to this purchase.
It is for @Ian2001 who posted this Show us Your Tablette 10 - #574 by Ian2001
I had been watching Pointless on BBC where one question was to identify the planets from clips played from the Planets Suite. To my chagrin, apart from Mars I couldn’t.
Then I realised that my only copies were on vinyl in a cupboard that can only be accessed by taking a speaker down.
My copies are Sargent and Previn, so I went searching for CDs. Those no longer make the must have lists so I bought these.
When they arrived, after sanitising, I played one. I had some computer work to do so sat at the other end of the room and got lost in emails and listening.
After a while I became aware of a presence. We have two rescue cats, one called Jett (we guessed as in Joan…) and think must have come from a musical household, they often join us sitting on the chair when we have music on.
Today, The Planets and both were sat on the table behind me, facing the speakers with ears pricked. They stayed until the end of the disc.


Well said @Clive, I totally agree with your verdict.

I thought for a moment you were denigrating the version which I have too. Which would surprise me as I’ve always been happy enough with my cd copy.

On checking, what I actually have is a 2004 Original Master Edition. It’s a 24 bit remaster by Simon Heyworth at Super Audio Mastering. HDCD.

Phew! Looks like I dodged a bullet there, since I bought what they had in the shop, without any thought as to which version I was getting.


That’s the best version I’ve heard. Unfortunately I no longer benefit from the HDCD element, since I ripped it to the NS01 and no longer have a CD player, but that 2004 Original Master Edition is true to the original with the benefit of a silent background in the quiet passages.

Thank you very much fir posting it, the interaction of animals with music - must be a subject for scientific study

Mrs Houdini took one listen to Hannah Reid and fled …


I have several Jan Lundgren cds.
This one is similar to your purchase and again very worthwhile.

Asplund is a fine brightly toned trumpet player.
Jan’s cds are always respected by the Jazz Journal (Old timers’ crusty UK jazz magazine) and its critics.


I have the 40th Anniversary editions of all their albums, and really enjoy them! Steven Wilson is obviously a bit ‘Marmite’, but on the whole most seem to enjoy his efforts. Perhaps those of us who do have less exacting lugs than yours, or maybe your hifi is more revealing/demanding/less forgiving?

Who knows why some prefer one version over another? Whatever, I couldn’t live with it so sent it back for a refund. I much prefer the Original Master Edition, which as I said above, is very much like the original mix without the noise of vinyl.

A couple of Rothkos – A Negative for Francis and Not Gone. Not Forgotten.

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Bought last Saturday, € 7.90


Opps wrong thread

I know that I’m late to the party, but at £26 and free delivery this was a bargain. That’s my evening sorted.


This was only available to stream earlier this year, just became available on CD, went for the signed by Robin Trower option :slightly_smiling_face:
Great album, a Robin Trower, Maxi Priest and Livingstone Brown collaboration.