What was the last CD you bought

No defence needed, but thanks for the sentiment Dread.
In all honesty, the majority of posts about said band have come from others, but directed at me as I am a know (though maybe not rabid) fan of the Canadian trio😉

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Just curious, (If I might momentarily add irritation to the curmudgeons :wink:) I mentioned before in t’other place seeing Rush live around the time of the All The Worlds A Stage album. Its the only currently surviving Rush LP in my collection and I note with curiosity it rarely gets a mention, is it not very well regarded amongst Rush cogniscenti?

Oh no! Just two posts after I dumped a pic of latest Rolling Stones album. I can’t comment on that album because I haven’t heard it yet, but I have at least bought it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I must admit I don’t generally have much to say about the music I post pictures of. I like it, but I don’t know how to describe the way the music touches my soul, or how it heals my hurts that day, or how it makes Mrs. G. and I feel nostalgic and cuddle up a bit, and so on.

When I’m scrolling through the what cd/vinyl you bought or the what are you listening to threads, I’m looking for inspiration and maybe being a tad voyeuristic as to what you lot are in to musically. If I like your post, I either agree that you chose what I consider to be a good album, or I’ve made a note of it for listening to to see if I like it and maybe buy it.

I do enjoy reading your detailed info about music with which I am not familiar, but I am unable to reciprocate as I cant recall that amount of information about an album/artist.I know enough for my needs but feel I would fail against the impressive knowledge some on this forum possess. So I post a pic and run. :slightly_frowning_face: Sorry.


I wasnt referring to myself, I’m usually to be found bangin’ on about that 'orrible reggie music" that gets mostly ignored by the forumeratti. :joy:

And no offence intended to you Graeme, it was a generalised comment

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I don’t really know Dread. Live albums are funny things, I feel that a lot of people see them in a marmite view.
The great thing I found with Rush, is that the songs sound the same live or studio. They were always a band who believed, if they couldn’t reproduce it with just the 3 of them on stage, then what was the point in recording it that way.
I must find time later this week to do a full live Rush session😉

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I don’t think I was being curmudgeonly! I agree with you, Dread, about the lack of comment when people post on their recent listening or purchases. Anyhow, on your response about the Rush thread, I can easily scroll past what doesn’t interest me, and frequently do so, but my tentative suggestion was prompted by the way that multiple postings on Rush seem to have spread across the System thread, the CD purchase thread, the Vinyl purchase thread, and the What are you listening to thread. It seemed that if there was a lot of interest in Rush then a separate thread would be appropriate - it wouldn’t preclude posting here, for example, or on other appropriate threads.

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Offence was never taken @Dreadatthecontrols. I regard you as one of the good guys in here. Just attempting to explain why, for my part, I don’t say much if anything about the music I post.

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I think you would know that a lot of what I post or say isnt intended to be taken too seriously, is often tongue in cheek and even sometimes a bit mischevious, I need to get out more!
I take it you didnt get the wink emoji after my curmudgeons line.

Don’t worry - I know what you get up to and took it as intended!

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Dya mean Rush?

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:joy: I have absolutely no idea your honour! :wink:

Best get back on thread eh



For my part, supporting the suggestion of a specific band thread was not an ‘attack’ that needs a ‘defence’ ( I know you’re being humourous - I think). But the suggestion didn’t imply just one member, and was inclusive of any band…

As you say, back on thread…I hope.

Re @Dreadatthecontrols and All The World’s A Stage by Rush.

I really enjoy this album but that is probably because I got into the band with the mighty ‘Kings’ and ‘Stage’ was a good way to catch up with the back catalogue. Much better than Archives which was released by the record company to cash in on the success of Kings.

The band have released many live albums, reflecting the quality of their live shows. I could never get on with ‘Exit Stage Left’. I found it to be a really poor mix at the time, far too much bass. Must give it a go now I have a system that might be better able to reproduce it.

ps: Geddy Lee is on a UK ‘book tour’ in December. Appearing at some large venues. Pleased to have tickets but not quite sure what to expect.

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We seriously considered going to the Barbican event, but decided not to in the end.

Portsmouth for us. Not sure what to expect but having listened to his humour on various skits, I think it will be something I don’t want to look back on and regret not attending. Go on, you know it’s worth it!!1

Problem is we fly to Barcelona 36 hours later and I’ll be wasted by the time we get there and we’ve only got 3 days.

Why would you say it is much better than archives? That is their 1st 3 albums in their entirety?

I was 17 at the time and had just seen them live on the Kings tour at Southampton. It was a brilliant show, much like the performance of Xanadu on TOGWT - all kimonos and white carpet on stage. The live album was like a record of the show and it contained the Professor’s drum solo. Basically the album was my memory of a great show.

I spent the following summer locating, and pouring over, the first three original albums. I found the fact I was able to enjoy them as ‘stand alones’, rather than a compilation as Archives, gave them a great sense of individual identity and charted their development as a band - which I enjoyed.

I also have a problem with Rush compilations generally. For a band that never released additional studio tracks, or alternative versions, the record company driven money churn offended me. I always found the fact that Peart was very open about making money this way to be an interesting contrast to some of his lyrics - for example The Big Money.

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Sounds like a great alternative although Barcelona at that time of year might be a bit chilly for me! I’ll give Geddy your best regards.

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