What was the last CD you bought

Hey Stevie, no suggestions of an attack on anyone, but in my view I think some could do with lightening up a bit, I mean come on its a music forum after all.

This came up at the quiz I attended on Sunday: “Which British band have just released an album called Hackney Diamonds, their first for 18 years?”
I hadn’t heard about this release, but in my considerations I’d rejected the Stones, remembering a fairly recent release. I checked and ‘Lonesome & Blue’ was released in 2016.

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The devils in the details. Lonesome and Blue is an album of covers. Hackney Diamonds is an entirely new work, the first in 18 years.

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Blue & Lonesome not Lonesome and Blue…


:joy: you got me! Devils in the details indeed!

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Just picked up a Rush CD in a charity shop, but I wont discuss it…



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Agreed, Dread. Lightening up seems apt across the board recently, instead of polarising into ‘baddies’ and ‘goodies’.


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Theres so much trouble in the world, innocents being murdered while Politricksters play their games, and all some have to grumble about is discussion about Rush on a music forum.
Makes me fell rather sad.

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Guess it’s what can happen in a thread preponderantly populated by old men :laughing:

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Easy for you to say, now where’s me teeth.


Farts! With nowt better to do than idle away the days listening to gramophone records and swatting pesky Rush fans…

Or photograph their toes…:laughing::face_with_peeking_eye:

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Not sure what thats all about but whatever floats yer boat
Edit: I think the penny dropped, if I’m getting your drift thats just cracked me up!

Goodness, aren’t we curmudgeonly this afternoon :joy:

Nyeeee I hate Rush!

Nyeah! Lets go stick some dog poo in their CD players!


You snow dog!

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You’ve met my wife!

When I saw them If memory serves he did a stunt with the drum kit inside a spherical cage that span upside down as he was playing

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I’ve never seen, or heard, of Peart doing that! Not his type of thing at all. He used to run off stage at the end of the show and jump onto his motorbike to travel to the next show. Not one for the limelight (As he explains in the lyrics to the song, 'Limelight)

I think the first to do this was Tommy Lee of Motley Crue - not that I’ve seen them. The nearest Rush got to this was having washing machines on stage (don’t ask why!).

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